Our Lee County Organization



Alexander Pope Vason

Alexander Pope Vason is one of the foremost business men of Albany, Georgia, being president of the Fowltown Farms Company, and of the Albany Warehouse Company; Vice President of the Citizens’ First National Bank of Albany; Director of the Albany Trust Company, and a member of the Albany Board of Aldermen, Board of Education, etc. He is above all a practical horticulturist and farmer, having been the pioneer in the peach growing industry in South Georgia. While a graduate of the University of Georgia, it is as a practical man, able to get the best results from his farm labor, that he is most noted.


James P. Champion

James P. Champion, one of the leading business men of Albany, Georgia. He has been identified all his life with agricultural development in this district, having risen to the position of Manager, Secretary and Treasurer of the Albany Warehouse Company, manufacturers of fertilizer, and large cotton factors, because of his rare foresight in regard to farming and horticulture throughout the surrounding district. Was associated in first successful peach orchard in this district, the Vason and Champion Peach Orchard; is Secretary and Treasurer of the Fowltown Farms Company. Has served as Director of the Albany Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Liberty Loan Committee of County in 3rd, 4th, and 5th drives. Director of Exchange Bank of Albany, Georgia.



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