In recent years the selling price of pecans at the orchard has been more than double the price used in our table. No one can tell how much higher pecan prices may go. On Patrician Pecans—introduced by us in the 1920 season—we have found an exceedingly large demand at $1.50 for a 12–oz. box, which is at the rate of $2.00 a pound, and have received many strong commendations from purchasers. These de luxe pecans have been sold into all sections of the United States—including such southern states as Mississippi, Florida, Texas, etc.—and into Canada, Alaska, France and other foreign countries; not in the 12–oz. package only, but also in 10–lb. cartons and barrel lots. We are intentionally conservative. We want the investor in our twenty-tree orchard units to be agreeably surprised that the yield is greater and the price secured per pound higher than our table shows. Our interests and those of the investor are identical—selling an orchard at the low price shown on the application blank (page 71) benefits us little unless the return secured from the gathering and sale of nuts is satisfactory. “For the person who is willing to wait a few years there is no more profitable investment than a grove of pecans,” says J. B. Wight, Pecan Nurseryman and Grove Owner. Under our co-operative plan the investment is reduced to the minimum during the waiting years. As shown by application blank at rear of this book we offer an acre-unit planted with twenty pecan trees of standard varieties on an easy deferred payment plan. From the moment you put down your first payment, the contract of sale protects you—in the opportunity to reap profits from the constantly increasing yields of pecans when the trees begin to bear, and in the opportunity to gain by the $100 a year increase in value of your acre-unit. For the most authentic information shows that each acre pecan orchard unit increases in value each year at the rate of at least $100. Figure it out for yourself—carefully and conservatively. Though the price now being secured for the nuts is far higher than the price used in the table on page 42, we would rather that you base your comparisons on the figures in that conservative table. The case is strong enough on that basis. An Increase in Value of $100 per Year per AcreMr. E. B. Adams, formerly Secretary of the Albany, Ga., Chamber of Commerce, writes: “Each season the pecan groves enhance in value, it being agreed by eminent pecan authorities that properly cared for pecan groves increase $100 an acre in value each year.” This is an investment where your principal increases and your income gets larger as the years roll by. |