More Pecan Orchards A Vital Necessity


Our only problem NOW is to meet the demand for the highest grade Paper Shell Pecans.

America demands more fine pecans—it is hungry for them.

“Once a pecan eater, always a pecan eater”

Not only because of the superior food value of pecans; nor only because of their many advantages as the purest, most condensed of all natural food products, but also because of their alluring flavor. As Prof. Hutt, Ex-President of the American Pomological Society, well puts it, “Once a pecan eater, always a pecan eater.

Wherever the improved pecan goes—the world over—it creates its own market.

It is simply marvelous how hungry the world is for these fine pecans, and it will be hungry for many years to come because the increase in supply does not keep pace with the rapidly increasing demand for high quality pecans. The obvious remedy, therefore, is to produce more fine pecans by planting more pecan orchards.

Small branches showing how pecan nuts grow.


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