Selected for finest flavor—and superior quality are selected for their superior quality from among the finest nuts produced anywhere in the pecan district. They are the choice of thousands of satisfied customers, everywhere, because they are the finest flavored nuts which Nature produces. They are uniformly large in size, thin in shell and well filled with nut meat, as shown by illustration in natural colors on outside cover. Their plump kernels—of delicious flavor and wonderful nutritive value—are easily removed whole without the use of nut crackers. By following the simple directions in every box, the thin shell is easily cracked with your bare hand. Sold the world over—under this Money Back Guarantee THE 10 LB. CARTON for family use—the logical second purchase of many pleased customers. They are packed in the beautiful 12–oz. Gift Box shown above; and sold at $1.25 per box, under this Money Back Guarantee:—“Eat six at my risk—if dissatisfied, return the balance within ten days and get your $1.25 back”; yet out of thousands of packages sent out, less than six packages have ever been returned. One shipment of pecans, boxed, ready to send out—photographed in the packing room at Manheim. |