A Few Typical Cases of Re-orders

Detroit, Mich., Jan. 30, 1919.
Bought twenty pounds—orders 75 pounds for next season

I enclose check for 10 lbs. of Hess Pecans. Could you still take my order for another 10 lbs.? I wish you to place me on your orders for 75 lbs. of the pecans from next fall’s crop.

W. H.
Sawyerville, Quebec, Mar. 18, 1919.

Will you please take my order for twenty pounds of Hess Pecans from the next crop? The nuts are just splendid, and we never tasted anything like them before for flavor.

R. G. B.
Reading, Pa., Jan. 6, 1919.
Had 70 pounds orders 40 pounds more

The 70 lbs. Hess Pecans received just before Christmas were eminently satisfactory and disappeared like hot cakes. I am enclosing check to cover the following order: 10 lbs. Ex. Fancy, 20 lbs. “A,” 10 lbs. “B.”

W. O. L.
Nov. 7, 1919.
Orders 3 barrels later

Please enter my order for 3 barrels of fancy grade pecans.

W. O. L.
Dec. 2, 1919.

The barrel of pecans arrived the day before Thanksgiving. The nuts are gone and I am ready for more; wish the entire order before the Xmas holidays.

W. O. L.
Buying in 50 lb. lots

F. B., Los Angeles, California (in the heart of the finest walnut district), ordered 22 oz. box for $2, Feb. 13th, 1917. March 11th, 1917, wrote: “They are unquestionably the very best I ever ate, and I am wondering if you have more to offer, and if so, the price in bulk.” Aug. 2, 1917, order booked for Fall, 1917, delivery, 50 pounds Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans.

Nov. 27, 1917, sent check for $50 in payment of 50 pounds.

February 26th, 1918, sent his third re-order for 50 lbs. of Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans for delivery, Fall, 1918, for $50.

In 1919, purchased 20 lbs., remitting $25.00; 1920, bought orchard units on our plantations.

16 pounds in less than three months

Order received, Dec. 11, 1917, from Dr. M. B., Wabash, Ind., for $1 box of Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans.

Jan. 8, 1918, “Enclosed find check for $5 for which ship pecans like the 12 oz. box recently sent me. They are the finest I ever ate.”

Jan. 24, 1918, sent check for $10 for more nuts.

Feb. 9, 1918, bought orchard units.

“Wish I had a barrel”

J. C., Seattle, Washington, wrote Jan. 29, 1917: “The size, quality, and flavor are all of the very highest. They are richness itself. Regarding food value, I question if there is any nut on earth equal to it. I wish I had a barrel of them. You ought to plant at least 10,000 acres.”

April 10th, 1917, ordered 10 lbs. more for Fall, 1917, delivery, saying, “They are the very best on earth.”



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