3½ Years' Growth


Henry E. Morton, President of the Morton Mfg. Co., large manufacturers of heavy machinery, Muskegon Heights, Michigan, standing beside a 3½ year old tree on one of the 45 units which he owns on our plantations. Note on page 49 Mr. Morton’s statement that these strong-trunked, heavy-headed trees exceeded his expectations. Note also his comment on the benefits of our Medium Height Pruning System in producing large spreading heads with a great increase in the number of nut bearing branches.

Picture below shows our Field Secretary at a 3½ year old tree which by its sturdy trunk and spreading head shows the advantages of our thorough cultivation and Medium Height Pruning System.

“I firmly believe that commercial pecan growing is one of the most promising horticultural possibilities of the South. There is now a greater demand for all kinds of nuts than ever before, a demand that our growers will not be able to catch up with for years. The pecan is undoubtedly the finest, most nutritious and most delicious of nuts. The world must get her supplies of pecans from us (in the southern section of the United States) and as yet we do not begin to supply the local demands, to say nothing of producing for export.”

W. N. Hutt, Ex-President, American Pomological Society, Ex-President, National Nut Growers Association.



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