Paper Shell Pecans




Right Foods The Increasing Demand

Poultry Gains Fail to Equal Increase of Population

"Shall We Cease to Eat Meat?"

Why America Must Eat Less Animal Flesh

Nut Meat Gives Fat and all Needed Protein

Nut Meat is Superior to Animal Flesh

Nuts A Staple, Necessary Food

Nuts Versus Beefsteak

Nuts The Safer Source of Protein

Grow Pecans The Ideal "Fat" Food

Twenty Times As Much Food Per Acre

Nut Meat The Real Meat

The Finer The Nut The Greater The Demand

The Pecan The Year-round Nut

"What is The Paper Shell Pecan?"

The Hardiest of All Nut Trees

The First Three Steps In Establishing Paper Shell Pecan Orchards

Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans

We have Sold Tons of Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans

A Few Typical Cases of Re-orders

"The Finest Nuts I Ever Saw"

More Evidence of Superiority on Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecans

The Highest Priced Pecans Yet Demand far Exceeds Supply

Why This Phenomenal Demand for Finer Pecans

Nuts Meet the Demand For Uncooked Foods

Pecans For Sundaes and Candies, Etc.

Maximum Food Values In Condensed Form

A Test Which Proves The Best Pecans Cheapest In The End

More Pecan Orchards A Vital Necessity

How Pecan Trees Do Grow

Our Co-operative Profit-Sharing System

We Sell You The Land, And Establish Your Orchard

The Practical Answer The Unit Plan

Our Pecan Orchard Plantations Are Divided Into One-Acre Units

SERVICE Which Build Productive Orchards

One of the Safest Industries The Profit is O. K.

3½ Years' Growth

Our Figures are Intentionally Conservative

Why Do We Sell Orchard Units?

Our Investors Are Found All Over The World

Finds His 45 - Acre Orchard Better Than He Expected

An Ideal Southern Home

Investigate The Company And Its Management

Our Vice President and Sales Manager Have Both Added to Their

William P. Bullard, Horticulturist on our Calhoun County Plantations

Our Dougherty Co. Organization

Our Mitchell County Organization

Our Lee County Organization

Our Lee County Organization (2)

No Investment Can Be Safer

Who Should Invest In Keystone Pecan Orchards?

Who Should Invest In Keystone Pecan Orchards? (2)

Units Full Paid in Case of Death

USD10 Down Per Unit, USD10 Per Month

Transcriber’s Note:

The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.

SIXTEEN big pecan nuts on a single small lower branch of one tree in our big, bearing orchard on our Calhoun County Orchard Plantation. This picture, in natural colors, from a photograph taken in late September, 1919, gives an idea of the prodigious number of nuts that a single large, bearing tree will yield.

Paper Shell Pecans

The first quarter of the east front of our bearing pecan orchard. As far as the eye can see, stretch row after row of fine, big pecan trees (compare with man for size); many of which have borne over two hundred pounds in a single season.

What better evidence could you wish of the adaptability of soil and climate to pecan growing?

All illustrations of pecan trees in this book were made from photographs taken on our plantations of over 7000 acres in southwest Georgia—where pecans thrive best.

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