One of the highlights of any camping trip can be the baking of camp bread or hot biscuits. Nothing equals hot biscuits and jam. This operation is generally misunderstood by the unseasoned woodsman. It is thought to be quite involved and complicated. Nothing could be further from the truth. It can be extremely easy. Those who frequent the deep woods where “store” bread is unobtainable or difficult to transport need only take any good prepared biscuit mix, and the bread problem is solved. Since Reynolds Wrap has come into general use by Campers and Woodsmen the bread-making job is much easier. You need no cumbersome reflector oven on the trip. A reflector oven is made in two ways: 1. Take a 24 inch piece of Reynolds Wrap and bend it in the center at a 45° angle. Place on a stone or other flat surface 6 inches above the ground and close to the edge of a flaming fire. Mix the biscuit dough using water. This can be done in a paper bag or a container shaped up from another piece of foil. Grease the bottom of the reflector oven slightly and shape 2 inch pieces of dough and place on the bottom of reflector. It is best to rub a small amount of dry mix on the fingers before shaping the biscuits so that the dough does not stick to the fingers. Place the oven so that an intense heat can be felt in front of the oven. When biscuits have browned on top turn them over by hand for a minute or two to bake the bottom of the biscuits. The whole baking operation should not take over 10 minutes if the fire is hot. 2. The second type of oven is built as follows: This is a permanent type of oven and remains stationary during the camp trip. Locate the site for your own camp fire. At the very edge of the fire drive 2 stakes an inch in diameter into the ground so they are at least 15 inches above the ground and 18 inches apart. Directly in back of these stakes and in line with them 16 inches back drive 2 similar stakes. Now tie cross pieces 9 inches from the ground on both the front and rear stakes. Stretch a piece of foil across these two horizontal sticks so it is rigid and tucked in around both sticks. This is the shelf. Now tie cross pieces on the front stakes six inches above and six inches below the shelf. Reynolds Wrap is now standard equipment on all fishing, camping and hiking trips. Biscuits in a jiffy. In front of a hot fire biscuits bake in ten minutes. In this type of oven they must be turned when done on top. {Oven} For biscuits or camp bread. The tang of hot biscuits and jam puts zest into any camp trip. Reynolds Wrap makes the oven. Use any prepared biscuit mix. {Oven} |