
Where shortening is mentioned in the recipes it is understood that butter or lard, or an equivalent quantity of butter substitute or vegetable oil may be used.


All measurements for all materials called for in the recipes in this book are level.

The standard measuring cup holds one-half pint and is divided into fourths and thirds.

To make level measurements fill cup or spoon and scrape off excess with back of knife.

One-half spoon is measured lengthwise of spoon.

Sift flour before measuring.


Regulate the oven carefully before mixing the ingredients. Many a cake otherwise perfectly prepared is spoiled because the oven is too hot or not hot enough.

Biscuits and pastry require a hot oven; cakes, a moderate oven.

When a cake is thoroughly baked it shrinks from the sides of the pan. A light touch with the finger which leaves no mark is another indication that the cake is baked.


All measurements are level. Four level teaspoons of baking powder about equal one heaping teaspoon as heretofore used.

[Note: The following 6 lines are notes at the top of pages which are repeated throughout the original book.]

Royal Baking Powder Contains No Alum

Royal Baking Powder Is Absolutely Pure

Royal Baking Powder Leaves No Bitter Taste

Royal is Made from Cream of Tartar

Royal Baking Powder Never Disturbs Digestion

Bake it with Royal and be Sure


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