Frozen Desserts How to Freeze


Scald can, cover and dasher, adjust can in freezer; put in dasher; pour in the mixture to be frozen and fasten cover (the can should never be more than 3/4 full); adjust crank and turn once or twice. Fill space around can to within an inch of top with ice and salt (three parts crushed ice to one part salt), packing hard. Turn slowly at first, increasing speed when mixture begins to stiffen. Add more ice and salt as required. When mixture is very firm, wipe off cover, open can and remove dasher; scrape frozen mixture from dasher and sides of can, and pack down solidly; cover with paper and replace can cover. Put cork in opening in cover. Pour off salt water if there is danger of its getting into the can. Fill up over top of can with ice and salt (four parts ice to one part salt). Cover freezer with heavy blanket and keep in cool place until ready to serve.

Philadelphia Ice Cream

1 quart cream
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Scald half pint of cream; add sugar and stir until dissolved. Cool and add remainder of cream and vanilla. Freeze as above.

Strawberry Ice Cream

Add to Philadelphia Ice Cream before freezing one quart of berries which have been washed, hulled, crushed and slightly sweetened.

Chocolate Ice Cream

Melt 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate with half pint cream and proceed as for Philadelphia Ice Cream.

French Ice Cream

1 cup milk
yolks of 4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 quart cream

Scald milk and add to beaten egg yolks; add sugar, salt, vanilla and cream which has been whipped. Freeze as above.

Frozen Pudding

3 cups milk
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon corn starch
1 cup chopped mixed fruit

Scald milk in double boiler. Mix corn starch with a little cold milk; add beaten eggs, sugar and a few grains of salt; mix well and add slowly to scalded milk, stirring until it thickens. Cool and add fruit, which has been put through food chopper. The fruit is a matter of taste. It may be 2 tablespoons raisins, 1 tablespoon citron, 1 tablespoon cherries, 1 tablespoon blanched almonds and 1 tablespoon candied pineapple. Freeze, but not too stiff; put into mold and pack in ice and salt until ready to serve.

Grape Sherbet

1 pint grape juice
1 cup sugar
1 quart milk

Warm grape juice, and in it dissolve sugar; mix thoroughly with ice cold milk; freeze at once. This makes a lilac colored sherbet.

Lemon Sherbet

juice of 3 lemons
1-1/2 cups sugar
1 quart milk

Mix juice and sugar, stirring constantly while slowly adding very cold milk. If added too rapidly, mixture will curdle. However, this does not affect quality. Freeze and serve.

Orange Water Ice

juice of 6 oranges
2 teaspoons orange extract
juice of 1 lemon
1 quart water
2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup cream

Mix all ingredients together; strain and freeze.

Strawberry Mousse

1 box strawberries
1 cup sugar
1/4 box or 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine
2 tablespoons cold water
3 tablespoons boiling water
1 quart cream

Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar and let stand one hour; mash and rub through fine sieve; add gelatine which has been soaked in cold water and dissolved in the boiling water. Set in pan of ice water and stir until it begins to thicken; fold in whipped cream. Put into mold, cover, pack in salt and ice, 1 part salt, 3 parts ice; allow to stand 4 hours. Raspberries or peaches or shredded pineapple may be used instead of strawberries.


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