Beverages How to Make Coffee


The best method of making coffee, as determined by the Better Coffee-Making Committee of the National Association of Coffee Roasters, is as follows:

"Fill a kettle with fresh cold water and put it on to boil. Place over an open china teapot, kept just for coffee, a clean, wet, old linen napkin, or a new square of unbleached muslin, letting it sag toward the center. Put into the depression 4 heaping tablespoons (for 4 cups of coffee) of finely pulverized coffee. This fine pulverization is very important. Ordinary ground coffee will not do at all, and gives weak infusions.

"When the water in the kettle is boiling fiercely, pour it through the coffee slowly until 4 cups have gone through, or a trifle more for 4 cups of coffee.

"Cover and take at once to table.

"Wash the cloth immediately and keep it in a jar of cold water, never permitting it to get dry, and freshening the water every day. Keeping the cloth sweet is essential. Every effort should be made to this end. The least souring ruins the coffee.

"Follow these directions strictly, paying especial attention to having the coffee very fine, like flour, and the water boiling, and you will have excellent coffee even though you buy cheap blends."

Boiled Coffee

For 4 cups. Beat half an egg white with 3 tablespoons cold water; add 3/4 cup ground coffee and stir until moistened; put into scalded coffee pot; add 1 quart boiling water and boil 5 minutes. Add 1/4 cup cold water and allow to stand 3 minutes to settle and serve.


The usual rule is 2 teaspoons cocoa, 1 teaspoon sugar; 1 tablespoon cold water and 3/4 cup milk to each cup. Mix cocoa with sugar and cold water; cook over slow fire until thick; add milk, and boil 1 minute.

Cocoa Syrup

2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 cup cocoa
1/2 teaspoon salt

Stir water and sugar in saucepan until dissolved; boil 5 minutes; mix cocoa with cold water to make a paste and add to boiling syrup; boil slowly for 10 minutes; add salt. When cold put into bottle or glass jar in refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons of syrup for each glass or cup of milk. Serve with whipped cream.

Served either hot or iced, this is a nourishing and delicious beverage.


Water for tea should be freshly heated and just boiling. Teas are of different strength, but a safe rule is 1 teaspoon dry tea to 1 cup water. Scald teapot; put in dry tea and cover for 1 minute. Add boiling water and cover closely. Allow it to stand 3 to 6 minutes and strain off into a second hot pot.


Cut into small pieces 1 ounce unsweetened chocolate; add 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 tablespoons hot water. Boil all together till smooth; add gradually 2 cups scalded milk; cook in double boiler 5 minutes. If desired add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla. Serve with whipped cream.


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