
The present rapid transit facilities of the City of Philadelphia include Market St. Subway-Elevated line extending East from the 69th St. Terminal to the Delaware River. The tracks are elevated from 66th St. to 22nd St. and pass in subway under the business section to another elevated section on Delaware Ave. This line first began service in 1905 and during the year 1920 handled approximately 80,000,000 passengers.

As far back as 1912 an exhaustive study of the city’s transportation facilities was made and a comprehensive program of extensions was proposed for the rapid transit system. Owing to legislative delays, and conditions due to the war, progress has been delayed on this program so that so far only the Frankford Elevated line has been built. This is now nearly ready for operation, from the foot of Market Street to Frankford, a distance of 6.4 miles all double tracked. Other extensions planned for construction in the near future include a four-track subway running north and south under Broad Street, and an elevated line extending from the present Market Street line at West Philadelphia to Darby.

The present elevated-subway system is double tracked throughout and multiple unit trains up to seven cars each are operated on headways down to two minutes. No express service is operated, all trains making every stop.

Philadelphia Rapid Transit Elevated and Subway Lines

Philadelphia Rapid Transit Elevated and Subway Lines

Train on Market Street Elevated, Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company

Train on Market Street Elevated, Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company

Power Supply

The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company’s principal power station is at Delaware Avenue. Steam turbine generating equipment totalling 58,000 kw. is in service in three stations and is designed for 13,200 volts 3-phase 25 cycles at which it is transmitted to the substations. One or two direct-current stations are still available for supplying 600 volts direct to the trolley. Power is also purchased from the Philadelphia Electric Co. and the Philadelphia Hydro-Electric Co.


The company operates a total of 17 substations used for supplying both surface and rapid transit lines. These stations contain a total of 65 units aggregating 103,500 kw.

Power is distributed to all lines at 600 volts and on the rapid transit lines is collected from an under running third rail similar to that used on the New York Central Electric Zone.

Rolling Stock

The rolling stock used on the Elevated-Subway line includes 215 motor cars each equipped with two motors. Trains are made up of all motor cars, no trailers being used. General Electric motors are used throughout including GE-66 and GE-222. The Frankford extension will be operated with 100 motor cars each equipped with two GE-259 motors.

Interior of Substation at 15th and Tucker Streets, Showing 2000-Kw. Synchronous Converters

Interior of Substation at 15th and Tucker Streets, Showing 2000-Kw. Synchronous Converters


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