Directions are given for size 32. Changes for sizes 34 and 36 are given in parentheses. BACK: With Bongo cast on 67 (71, 75) sts. START PATTERN: 1st ROW: With Bongo P across row. 2nd ROW: P 1, * K 1, P 3, repeat from * across row ending last repeat with P 1. 3rd ROW: K 1, * P 1, K 3, repeat from * across row ending last repeat with K 1. 4th ROW: Repeat 2nd row, drop Bongo. 5th ROW: With Yellow P 1, * yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 3, repeat from * across row ending last repeat with P 1. 6th ROW: K 3, * P 1, K 3, repeat from * across row. 7th ROW: P 3, * K 1, P 3, repeat from * across row. 8th ROW: Repeat 6th row, drop Yellow. Repeat from 1st to 8th row for pattern until back measures 14 inches from beg ending with 8th pattern row. NEXT ROW: SHAPE ARMHOLES: Keeping pattern even and working pattern in Bongo only for remainder of back, bind off 4 sts (all sizes) at beg of next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st at beg and end of every other row 4 times. Work even in pattern until armholes measure 7 (7½, 7½) inches ending on right side of work. NEXT ROW: NECK SHAPING: Work across 12 (14, 16) sts, place next 27 (27, 27) sts on st holder for neck, attach another skein of yarn, work across remaining 12 (14, 16) sts. NEXT 2 ROWS: SHAPE SHOULDERS: Working both sides at same time bind off 5 (6, 7) sts at armhole edge and dec 1 st on each side of neck edge in each row. NEXT 2 ROWS: Bind off 5 (6, 7) sts at armhole edge in each row. FRONT: Work same as back until armholes measure 5½ (6, 6) inches ending on right side of work. NEXT ROW: SHAPE NECK: Work across 16 (18, 20) sts, place next 19 (19, 19) sts on st holder, attach another skein of yarn, work across remaining sts. NEXT 6 ROWS: Working both sides at same time work in pattern dec 1 st on each side of neck edge in each row (all sizes). Work even until armholes measure same as back. Shape shoulders same as back. FINISHING: Block each section slightly. Weave shoulder and side seams. NECK BAND: With Bongo and dpn pick up and K 74 (78, 78) sts including sts from st holder. P each row for 5 rows, bind off. Fold under in a roll and tack in position to wrong side. ARMHOLE BANDS: With Bongo and dpn pick up and K 54 (58, 58) sts around armhole. P 3 rows, bind off. Finish same as neck band. {SHELL} |