Directions are given for small to medium size. Changes for medium to large size are given in parentheses. Cast on 3 sts. 1st ROW: K across row. 2nd ROW: K 1, P 1 (center st), K 1. 3rd ROW: Inc in 1st st, K 1 (center st), inc in last st. 4th ROW: K 2, P 1, K 2. 5th ROW: K across row inc 1 st before and after center st. 6th ROW: K 3, P 1, K 3. Repeat last 2 rows always inc 1 st before and after center st on 1st row, and always P center st on 2nd row until there are 33 (37) sts on needle. NEXT ROW: K across 10 (12) sts, bind off 13 sts at instep, K remaining sts. NEXT ROW: K across 6 (8) sts, K 2 tog, y o (beading), K remaining sts (work one side at a time, leave remaining sts on needle to be worked later). NEXT ROW: K across row counting y o as a st. NEXT 4 ROWS: K each row. Repeat last 6 rows 5 (6) times, bind off. Attach yarn at other side of instep, K 2, y o, K 2 tog, K 6 (8) sts across. Then complete side same as 1st side. SOLE: Cast on 4 sts. Starting from heel work in garter st (K each row), inc 1 st at beg and end of every other row until there are 8 (10) sts on needle. NEXT 22 (28) ROWS: Work even. NEXT ROW: Inc 1 st at beg and end of row. NEXT 18 (22) ROWS: Work even. Then dec 1 st at beg and end of every other row until 4 sts remain on needle, bind off. FINISHING: Weave heel section tog, insert sole in opening and sew in position. CORD: Cut yarn 60 inches long, fold in half, twist tightly, let twist itself, knot at each end. Lace through beading. DUPLICATE STITCHThis is the stitch used most often for embroidering a desired motif on a knitted article. It is worked by: * bringing needle through center of stitch from the wrong side to right side of work—see ill. A. Following the outline of the knit stitch above, draw the yarn across the back of the two strands of this stitch—see ill. A and B—return needle to the center of the same stitch—see ill. B—and draw yarn through. Repeat from * starting next stitch by bringing needle through center of stitch to be duplicated—see ill. C. ILL. A ILL. B ILL. C
*(Asterisk) This symbol indicates that the instructions immediately following are to be repeated the given number of times plus the original. **Are used in the same way. American Thread Co. DIAGRAMS FOR MINI DOLL PAGE 18
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