Cut strands of yarn about 22 inches long. Start weaving at lower edge of short side of dish cloth. Thread Cerise into blunt needle allowing a 2 inch length at each end for fringe. 1st ROW: Insert needle down 1st mesh and up next mesh of 1st row, * skip next 4 meshes, insert needle down next mesh, skip next 4 meshes, insert needle up next mesh, repeat from * across row ending with skip next 4 meshes, insert needle down next mesh and up next mesh. 2nd and 3rd ROWS: Repeat 1st row working in next 2 rows of meshes. 4th, 5th and 6th ROWS: With Chartreuse insert needle down 2nd mesh, * skip next 4 meshes, insert needle up next mesh, skip next 4 meshes, insert needle down next mesh, repeat from * across row ending with skip next 4 meshes, insert needle up next mesh. Repeat last 6 rows for pattern working in colors as follows: Lilac, Chartreuse, National Blue, and Chartreuse. Repeat from beg for color scheme until bag is completed. Cut 3 inch strands of yarn for lower edge fringe. Following color scheme tack 3 strands of each color in each stripe across (tack on wrong side bringing fringe to right side). Work another section in same manner. Trim fringe evenly. LINING and HANDLES: Work same as Ripple Tote Bag. RIPPLE TOTE BAG
Cut strands of yarn about 24 inches long. Always weave under two bars of dish cloth throughout. Thread Bongo into blunt needle and start weaving at lower edge of short side of dish cloth. 1st ROW: Allow a 2 inch length at each end for fringe, insert needle down 1st mesh of 1st row, weave under next two bars, * skip next 4 meshes, weave under next two bars of 5th row above, skip next 4 meshes, weave under next 2 bars of starting row, repeat from * across row. Start all succeeding rows one row above each previous row, and work all rows in same manner throughout working 2 more rows in Bongo, 3 rows in Lilac, 3 rows in Yellow, 3 rows in Bongo, 3 rows in Lilac, 3 rows in Chartreuse. Repeat color scheme from beg until bag is completed. Cut 3 inch strands of yarn for lower edge fringe. Following color scheme tack 3 strands of each color in position across (tack on wrong side bringing fringe to right side). Work another section in same manner. Trim fringe evenly. LINING: Cut 2 sections of buckram ½ inch less than bag. Sew buckram to wrong side of bag. Weave 3 sides of bag tog with “AUNT LYDIA’S” Button and Carpet Thread leaving one short side open. Cut lining allowing for seams. Fold lining in half, sew side seams. Insert in bag, fold hem under at top of bag, tack lining in position. Continuation from page 25 HANDLES: Cut 2 yd. lengths of each color, twist tightly, fold in half and let twist itself. Knot at each end leaving 2 inches free for fringe. Sew in position. |