Cynthia Centipede

Materials Required:
2—70 yd. skeins White
1—70 yd. skein Red
2¼ inch Styrofoam ball
3 Colored Pipe Cleaners
? yd. Nylon Net
Scraps of Black and Red felt

Open 1 skein of White. Tie at center. Cut each end. Fold over styrofoam ball, and tie below ball. * Take 12 strands, divide in thirds and braid. Repeat from * until all strands are braided. Cut away any extra strands and trim ends. Open and cut each end of 2nd skein. White tie in center. Repeat from 1st * until all strands are used, trim ends. Place under braided section below the head and attach.

FACE: Cut features as illustrated and glue in position. Form glasses with 1 pipe cleaner and sew in place. Tie nylon net around neck. Cut 32 strands of Red 3 inches long. Fold one pipe cleaner in half. Place 4 strands between pipe cleaner at fold, twist pipe cleaner tightly once, * take 4 more strands, place between pipe cleaner, and twist pipe cleaner tightly once again, repeat from * until all strands are used. Work 2nd pipe cleaner in same manner. Attach to top of head as illustrated.


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