Solio Paper


A rapid, glossy printing-out paper.

Size Per Package 2 Doz.
× 2½ $0.20
× 3¼ .20
× 4¼ .20
× 3½ .20
× 4¼ .20
× 5½ .25
4 × 5 .25
× 6 (Stereo) .25
× 7 (No. 1 Panoram Kodak) .25
Per Doz.
× 6½ $0.25
5 × 7 .30
× 12 (No. 4 Panoram Kodak) .35
Post-cards .15
Double Solio Post-cards .30
Brownie Post-cards, 2¾ × 4¼ .10

Solio Combined Toning and Fixing Solution, per 8-ounce bottle, 50 cents. Ditto, 4-ounce bottle, 30 cents; post-paid, 50 cents. Solio Toning and Fixing Powders, per box of 5 tubes, 25 cents.


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