The Panoram Kodak does a special kind of work—a very desirable kind of work which cannot be done with a camera of any other type. As its name implies, it is constructed so as to take panoramic pictures of outdoor groups, landscapes, mountain views, and the like. For instance, in making a picture of an outdoor group of twelve or fifteen people, with an ordinary camera, they would have to be arranged in two or three rows to get good sized images, but with a Panoram they can be arranged in a semi-circle, at a given distance from the camera, and all appear in the picture in one row and of the proper relative size. Again, in making a landscape, the sweep of the Panoram lens will take in the complete view, while the scope of the ordinary camera could only permit a portion of it to be taken at one exposure. In addition to its use for making horizontal pictures, the camera may be as easily used in the vertical position, and decidedly unique pictures of high waterfalls, mountain peaks and such subjects can be secured. The lens is mounted on a pivot and when the exposure is to be made, by pressing a lever the lens automatically swings on this pivot from one side of the camera to the other, embracing an angle of over 100 degrees. At the same time, the shutter operates automatically with great precision, insuring even illumination throughout the exposure. There is no complication whatever in operation, the whole process is automatic; it's just as easy to make pictures with the Panoram as with any other Kodak. Those who already have other Kodaks or contemplate purchasing such, will find this a valuable addition to their photographic equipment for the making of out-of-the-ordinary pictures. Panoram Kodaks use the regular daylight loading N. C. Kodak film, they are carefully made, have genuine leather coverings and nickeled fittings. The No. 1 has a scope of 112 degrees, while the No. 4 embraces an angle of 142 degrees. Panoram Kodaks cannot be used successfully indoors. No. 1 Panoram Kodak In Detail For rectangular pictures, 2¼ × 7 inches. Capacity, 6 exposures without reloading. Size of Kodak, 3? × 4? × 7? inches. Weight, 24 ounces. Lens, specially selected as to quality and focal length. Shutter, Panoram. Two tripod sockets. Brilliant finder with hood. Uses No. 1 F. P. Kodak cartridges. The Price
In Detail For rectangular pictures, 3½ × 12 inches. Capacity, 4 exposures without reloading. Size of Kodak, 4¾×5?×10? inches. Weight. 2 pounds 14 ounces. Lens, specially selected as to quality and focal length. Shutter, Panoram. Two tripod sockets. Brilliant finder with hood. Uses No. 4 B. E. cartridges. The Price