Nos. 3 and 4 Folding Pocket Kodaks


These cameras are made for two standard amateur size pictures and are similar in every essential respect excepting in the matter of size. The No. 3 makes 3¼ × 4¼ pictures—a favorite with many, and especially suitable for lantern slide making, as the slide can be printed by direct contact. The No. 4 makes 4 × 5 pictures and is preferred by many on account of the comparatively large size which it is possible to get of the objects in the composition.

Both cameras offer the usual Kodak simplicity, and the exceptional lens and shutter equipment which assures the user the maximum of efficiency in all work where an anastigmat equipment is not necessary. The illustration on the opposite page shows the No. 3.

The shutter is the Kodak Ball Bearing, in which is mounted an R. R. lens which must stand the most rigid test before it is passed by our inspectors. This lens works at f. 8, and as the leaves of the Kodak Ball Bearing shutter open in the shape of a star, the greatest possible amount of light is admitted at this opening—a fact which makes the instruments especially valuable for snap-shot work.

The cameras are equipped with rising and sliding front—a great convenience in architectural and many forms of landscape photography, and an automatic focusing lock is provided so that either can quickly be brought to focus at any-distance.

While these models, of course, are designed for the use of our roll films, either can be loaded with plates at any time by the addition of a simple plate adapter or combination back (supplied extra). This is interchangeable with the regular back, is provided with ground glass for focusing and takes double plate holders. (See similar back illustrated on page 20.)

Both cameras are handsomely finished throughout. Back and bed are of aluminum, metal parts are highly nickeled, and covering is of fine quality grain leather.

In Detail

For rectangular pictures. No. 3, 3¼ × 4¼ inches; No. 4, 4 × 5 inches. Capacity, 12 exposures without reloading. Size of Kodak, No. 3, 1¾ × 4½ × 7½ inches: No. 4, 2¼ × 5¾ × 9 inches. Weight, No. 3, 23 ounces: No. 4, 2 pounds 11 ounces. Lens, double combination, rapid rectilinear, speed. f. 8, focal length. No. 3, 5 inches: No. 4, 6¾ inches. Shutter, Kodak Ball Bearing. (See page 6.) Rising and sliding front. Two tripod sockets. Brilliant reversible finder with hood. Automatic focusing lock.

The Price

No. 3 No. 4
F. P. Kodak., R. R. lens and Kodak Ball Bearing shutter $17.50 $20.00
Ditto, with Kodak Automatic shutter 22.50 25.00
Ditto, with Compound shutter, highest speed 1/200 second and Zeiss Kodak Anastigmat lens, f. 6.3 57.00
Kodak Autotime Scale (Style A for No. 3, Style AA for No. 4) 1.00 1.00
Black Sole Leather Case, with strap 1.75 2.00
Combination Back, with ground glass 3.50 3.50
Double Glass Plate Holders 1.00 1.00
N. C. Film Cartridge. 12 exposures (No. 118 for No. 3. No. 123 for No. 4) .70 .90
Ditto, 6 exposures .35 .45
Ditto, "double-two" cartridge, 4 exposures .25 .30
Kodak Portrait Attachment .50 .50


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