The Special Kodaks are made upon the idea of providing the very best possible in hand cameras. A fine anastigmat lens, made expressly for hand camera work, a high speed, accurate shutter, a complete operating equipment, and the best materials procurable, richly finished—these, moulded together by the most expert camera workmen in the world, leave nothing to be desired by the user, whether he be beginner or expert. Aside from the requirements of the focal plane specialist, there is no condition under which amateur pictures can be made, in which these cameras will not produce the best possible results. The Nos. 1A and 3 Specials are alike in every respect excepting in size—the No. 1A making 2½ × 4¼ pictures and the No. 3 the larger 3¼ × 4¼ size. Each is fitted with the Zeiss Kodak Anastigmat lens working at a maximum opening of f. 6.3, and with the Compound shutter attaining a speed of 1/250 second. The fast lenses give the Specials a great advantage over the ordinary camera in dull lights, and in combination with the Compound shutter, make them second only to cameras having focal plane shutters for photographing rapidly moving objects. They have rising and sliding fronts, reversible finders, rack and pinion for focusing, spirit levels, in fact every useful convenience that can be put into a hand camera. The No. 3 size will take plates by addition of a combination back (supplied extra). Made as the last word in photographic perfection, these cameras are beautifully finished. Covered with genuine Persian Morocco, with rich black leather bellows and nickeled fittings, they bear the impress of the quality that is in them. In Detail Size of Kodak. No. 1A, 2×3¾×8 inches; No. 3, 1?×4½×8 inches. Weight, No. 1A, 30 ounces; No. 3, 32 ounces. Lens, Zeiss Kodak anastigmat, speed, f. 6.3, focal length. No. 1A, 5 inches; No. 3, 5 inches. Shutter, Compound. (See page 7.) Two tripod sockets. Brilliant reversible finder, with hood. Spirit level. Rack and pinion for focusing. The Price