To combine in one instrument every feature that could add to practical efficiency and yet retain the pocket Kodak convenience and simplicity was the work that we set for ourselves in designing the 3A Special Kodak. In no respect did we fall short of that work. In this camera no essential to good picture making is omitted, yet it has no unnecessary "contraptions" to annoy and befog the beginner. It is recognized as the highest type of hand camera for the amateur—skilled or unskilled. The 3A Special Kodak is equipped with the Zeiss Kodak Anastigmat lens, f. 6.3, the anastigmat made especially for hand camera work and combining speed, depth and definition in an unusual degree. The shutter is the Compound, operated by either cable or finger release and having a maximum speed of 1/200 second. With this equipment it is possible to get well-timed pictures, under light conditions that would be fatal to good results with the ordinary camera and in bright light to make successful exposures as short as 1/200 second. The 3A Special has a most complete equipment in keeping with the high grade of work for which it is designed. It has both rising and sliding front, reversible finder, rack and pinion for focusing, spirit level, double focusing scale—one for films and the other for plates. The camera body is made of aluminum, producing a very light, yet strong and durable, instrument. The finish and appointments are of the richest. The covering is genuine Persian Morocco, the bellows is of black selected leather, and these in connection with the highly nickeled fittings and dull black enameled shutter add that look of quality that is in harmony with its genuine efficiency and worth. In Detail Size of Kodak, 9½ × 4¾ × 2 inches. Weight, 42 ounces. Lens, Zeiss Kodak anastigmat, speed, f. 6.3, focal length, 6¾ inches. Shutter, Compound, with cable release. (See page 7.) Two tripod sockets. Brilliant reversible finder, with hood. Spirit level. Rack and pinion for focusing. The Price