Like the No. 3, the efficiency of this model has been greatly augmented by addition of the Brownie Ball Bearing shutter. It offers the choice of either single or double lens, and working with the usual Brownie simplicity, it makes a highly effective camera, for the popular 3¼ × 5½ pictures, at low cost. This camera will produce extremely good results in general amateur photography, under ordinarily favorable conditions, and when fitted with Kodak Portrait Attachment, becomes a most dependable outfit for home portraiture. It is covered with durable imitation leather, has nickeled fittings and a neat, attractive appearance. Illustration shows camera with double lens. In Detail For rectangular pictures, 3¼ × 5½ inches. Capacity, 10 exposures without reloading. Size of camera, 2? × 4? × 9? inches. Weight, 34 ounces. Lens, meniscus achromatic, 6½-inch focus. Shutter, Brownie Ball Bearing. (See page 7.) Automatic focusing lock. Two tripod sockets. Reversible finder. The Price