No. 2A Folding Pocket Brownie


The pleasing proportions of the pictures taken by this little Brownie, combined with its simple operation and reliability, have made it one of the most popular cameras of the whole Brownie line.

For effective landscape composition and full and three-quarter length portraits, the shape of its pictures is ideal. And when fitted with Kodak Portrait Attachment, it may be operated close up to the subject for bust portraits.

Identical in construction and general design with the No. 2, this model can as easily be carried in the pocket, works for time, bulb and instantaneous exposures, and is well finished throughout. Attractively covered with best imitation leather, and metal parts are highly nickeled.

In Detail

For rectangular pictures, 2½ × 4¼ inches. Capacity, 12 exposures without reloading. Size of camera, 8½ × 2 × 3? inches. Weight, 23 ounces. Lens, meniscus achromatic, 5-inch focus. Shutter, Pocket Automatic. Two tripod sockets. Automatic focusing lock. Reversible finder.

The Price

No. 2A Folding Pocket Brownie, meniscus achromatic lens, Pocket Automatic shutter $7.00
No. 2A Folding Pocket Brownie Carrying Case .90
N. C. Film Cartridge, 12 exposures, 2½ × 4¼ inches (No. 116) .50
Ditto, 6 exposures .25
Kodak Portrait Attachment .50


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