Offering the same assurance of perfectly developed film as the Kodak Film Tank, the Brownie Developing Box is a modified form of the same, so simple to use that any boy or girl can readily understand and operate it. It consists of a metal box with cover, just long enough to accommodate a roll of No. 1 or No. 2 Brownie Film in one loop. To develop, the roll of film is inserted in the spool carrier, and by means of a cord and winding shaft the film is unrolled and carried around a roller bearing, thus exposing the film to the action of the developer. Before unrolling the film the developer is poured in the box and the cover put in place; all these operations being performed in daylight. The film is then unrolled by turning the crank, when the box is rocked on its standard for six minutes. The developer is then poured off and box filled with water to wash out developer, after which film is removed and fixed in daylight. This is an excellent means, for those who have No. 1 or No. 2 Brownie Cameras, of developing their films without the need of skill or experience. The Price