And now comes a new help to the beginner—"Kodakery," a little magazine that will tell the amateur how to get better pictures. It's beautifully illustrated. Written and edited by those who know photography inside and out and who also know the places where the amateur has trouble, it will be a joy and a help to every enthusiast, will add for thousands to the Witchery of Kodakery. Every purchaser, after May 1st, 1914, of a Kodak or Brownie camera will be entitled to "Kodakery" for one year without charge—he may have it continued by subscribing at 50 cents per year if he so desires. In the back of each Kodak and Brownie manual, which we are now printing, is a "subscription blank" which, upon being properly filled out and mailed to—"Kodakery," Toronto, Ont.—will entitle the purchaser of such camera to one year's free subscription to "Kodakery." At the time this plan goes into operation there may still be some such manuals without a subscription blank, but in such case a blank may be obtained from the dealer of whom the camera was purchased. Every purchaser of a Kodak or Brownie Camera is entitled to one copy of the manual or instruction book The editors of "Kodakery" aim first of all to make the little book a real help. At the same time it will be interesting and its delightful illustrations will show the beginner new possibilities in amateur photography. This little magazine is but a part of the Kodak Service. To sell a camera and then turn the customer adrift has never been a part of the Kodak plan. Along with our improvements in apparatus and materials, we have always endeavored also to improve the Kodak Service. "Kodakery" will, we believe, prove the means of keeping us more closely than ever in touch with our customers. In many ways it will be directly helpful—and it will always suggest the propriety of the customer's going to his Kodak dealer or to us, if there are little difficulties (there are no big ones, now) to be overcome. It is to be a real help—a part of the Kodak Idea—one more aid to the beginner in the making of good pictures. CANADIAN KODAK CO., Limited. Toronto, Canada. |