Effects heretofore to be had only by the laborious carbon process can now be secured by any amateur photographer with this new paper. For landscapes, for marines, and in fact, for the majority of outdoor amateur negatives, the rich green of prints on Kodak Velvet Green produces most beautiful harmonious effects, with an indescribable "atmosphere" of nature itself. And to use this paper the amateur has to learn no new processes nor possess extraordinary skill. Anyone who can print on Velox paper can print just as successfully on Kodak Velvet Green, as the two processes after exposure are identical, and the developing solution is only slightly changed. The surface—a smooth semi-matte—brings out detail fully, and the paper is supplied in both single and double weights. Kodak Velvet Green Post-cards are very appropriate for use at vacation time. Prices same as for Velox. (See page 53.) |