Development, that former bugbear of the amateur photographer and especially of the beginner, is made a simple proposition by the Kodak Film Tank—fully as simple as any part of the photographic process. The Kodak Film Tank automatically develops every roll of film put into it, just as well as that roll of film could be developed by the most experienced photographer. If directions are followed, if the chemicals are mixed and the temperature regulated according to instructions, a boy or girl can get just as good results from the Kodak Film Tank as an expert by any method. In other words, every roll of film put into the film tank, where the simple directions are implicitly followed, will come out developed as well, or better, than that roll of film could be developed in the dark room by the most experienced photographer. And it is very simple, it eliminates the dark room entirely, developing the film in broad daylight, and is so compact as to be easily carried and used anywhere. The Kodak Film Tank consists of a winding box, a light-proof apron, and a heavily nickeled brass solution cup with cover. In the Brownie Film Tank, however, no cover is necessary as the film roll itself is turned. All articles can be packed in the box, making the entire outfit self-contained. The film to be developed is placed upon a reel in the winding box, the cover is placed on the box and the film is wound around Every step is performed in daylight and the exact time necessary for development, in combination with the chemical formula, has been scientifically worked out, so that all differences of exposure within reasonable bounds are taken care of. Especial attention is called to the new 2½-inch size, for the development of 1A or 2A films. Those who wish to develop more than one roll at a time can do so without purchasing extra tanks complete, by securing duplicating outfits as listed below. The Price