"How to Make Good Pictures."


Every side of Amateur Photography is treated in this little book. The Lens, the Camera, Composition, Exposure, Developing and Printing are all handled in a most helpful and simple manner. Flash Light and High Speed work are described in detail. The text is made plainer by numerous illustrations and even a child can understand clearly what is meant, for technical terms are avoided or made perfectly plain.

The Price

"How to Make Good Pictures," paper cover $ 0.25
Ditto, library edition, cloth bound 1.00

The Kodak Album

Made on a new principle, which does away with mounting prints by paste or otherwise. They are merely slipped into pocket strips at top and bottom, and will not come out unless removed by hand. Handsome grain leather cover and black leaves with linen finish.

A, 2¼ × 3¼, 25 leaves, 3 on $2.75
B, 2½ × 4¼, 25 leaves, 3 on 3.00
C, 3¼ × 4¼, 25 leaves, 3 on 3.00
D, 3¼ × 5½, 25 leaves, 3 on 3.25
E, 3¼ × 5½, 50 leaves, 3 on 4.25
F, 4 × 5, 25 leaves, 2 on 3.00
G, 4¼ × 6½, 25 leaves, 2 on 3.25
H, 5 × 7, 25 leaves, 2 on 3.50

The Interchange Album

An unusually long-lived album on the loose leaf principle. Has special embossed leather cover with grain leather corners and back. Furnished with 50 linen finish leaves—black only.

Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's
A, 5 × 8 $3.00 $0.15 C, 10 × 12 $5.00 $0.30
B, 7 × 11 3.50 .20 D, 11 × 14 6.00 .40

The Agrippa Album

A new, unusually flexible loose leaf album with beautiful grain leather covering and 50 linen finish black leaves.

Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's
A, 5 × 8 $1.60 $0.15 C, 10 × 12 $3.50 $0.30
B, 7 × 11 1.90 .20 D, 11 × 14 3.75 .40

The Arena Album

Flexible, finest quality black grain leather cover.

J, 50 Black leaves, or S, 50 Sepia leaves, 5½ × 7 $1.25
K, 50 Black leaves, or T, 50 Sepia leaves, 7 × 10 1.90
L, 50 Black leaves, or U, 50 Sepia leaves, 10 × 7 1.90
M, 50 Black leaves, or W, 50 Sepia leaves, 11 × 14 3.75

The Tiber Album

A very flexible loose leaf album with imitation leather covering and 50 black leaves.

Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's Pkg. 12 ex. le'v's
A, 5 × 8 $0.80 $0.15 C, 10 × 12 $1.90 $0.30
B, 7 × 11 1.15 .20 D, 11 × 14 2.20 .40

The Forum Album

Flexible, black imitation leather embossed cover.

A, 25 Black leaves, or N, 25 Sepia leaves, 5½ × 7 $0.45
B, 25 Black leaves, or O, 25 Sepia leaves, 7 × 10 .60
C, 25 Black leaves, or P, 25 Sepia leaves, 10 × 7 .60
D, 25 Black leaves, or R, 25 Sepia leaves, 11 × 14 1.60
E, 50 Black leaves, 5½ × 7 .60
F, 50 Black leaves, 7 × 10 .95
G, 50 Black leaves, 10 × 7 .95
H, 50 Black leaves, 11 × 14 1.90

Artist's Album

Loose leaf system, silk lacing.

No. 1, Black leaves; No. 2, White leaves; No. 3, Sepia leaves, 5½ × 7 $0.25
Extra leaves, package of 5 .09
No. 4, Black leaves; No. 5, White leaves; No. 6, Sepia leaves, 7 × 10 .35
Extra leaves, package of 5 .12

Snap-shot Album

Substantial card covering, soft black leaves.

No. 19 20 pages, 5½ × 7 $0.12 No. 18 20 pages, 7 × 10 $0.15

Souvenir Post-card Album

Flexible, black leather embossed cloth cover.

X, 25 Black leaves, 10 × 7, for 100 cards $0.60
X, R, 25 Black leaves, 11 × 14, for 200 cards 1.90
X, T, Flexible, Black grain leather cover
25 leaves, 11 × 14, for 200 cards


A new medium for mounting prints on the "slip in" principle, giving the effect of a rich brown wood frame.

For Print Outside Each
No. 1 2¼ × 3¼ 4? × 5? $0.06
No. 1A 2½ × 4¼ 4? × 6? .07
No. 3 3¼ × 4¼ 5½ × 6½ .08
No. 3A 3¼ × 5½ 6¼ × 8? .09
No. 4 4 × 5 6¾ × 7¾ .09

Eastman Film Negative Albums

For 100 negatives, 2½ × 4¼, or smaller $ .75
For 100 negatives, 3½ × 3½ or smaller .75
For 100 negatives, 3¼ × 4¼, or 4 × 5 1.00
For 100 negatives, 3¼ × 5½, or smaller 1.00
For 100 negatives, 5 × 7, or smaller 1.50

Kodak Mounts


Carbon Black, and Scotch Grey, felt surface, bevelled edges, no embossed design

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
1? × 2½ × 4 $0.30 $0.10
× 3¼ 4 × 5 .35 .10
× 4¼ × 6 .45 .15
× 3½ 5 × 5 .45 .15
× 4¼ 5 × 6 .55 .20
× 5½ × 7½ .65 .20
4 × 5 5? × 6? .60 .20
× 7 4 × 8¾ .60 .20
× 6½ × 8½ .85 .25
5 × 7 7 × 9 .95 .30
× 12 5? × 13¾ 1.10 .30


Jet Black, Ash Grey and White

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
× 2¼ 3? × 3? $0.40 $0.10
× 3¼ 4 × 5 .45 .15
× 4¼ × 6 .55 .15
× 3½ 5 × 5 .55 .15
× 4¼ 5 × 6 .65 .20
× 5½ × 7½ .75 .25
4 × 5 5? × 6? .70 .20
× 6½ × 8½ 1.05 .30
5 × 7 7 × 9 1.15 .35


A Slip-in Mount, no paste needed. Grey and Brown—Oval and Square

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
× 3¼ 4 × 5 $0.75 $0.25
× 4¼ 4? × 5? .85 .30
× 3½ 5 × 5 .90 .30
× 4¼ 5 × 6 .95 .30
× 5½ 5 × 7 1.00 .35
4 × 5 × 6¾ 1.05 .35


Slip-in Style, Solid Back, Grey and Buff, Square only

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
× 3¼ 4 × 5 $1.05 $0.30
× 4¼ × 6 1.15 .35
× 4¼ 5 × 6 1.25 .40
× 5½ × 7½ 1.45 .45
4 × 5 5? × 6? 1.55 .50


Jet Black, White and Artists Brown, wide border, bevelled edges

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
× 3¼ × 5? $0.60 $0.20
× 4¼ 5 × 6¾ .70 .20
× 3½ 5? × 5? .65 .20
× 4¼ 5? × 6? .75 .25
× 5½ × 8 1.00 .30
4 × 5 × 7? 1.05 .30
× 6½ × 8¾ 1.15 .35
5 × 7 × 9¼ 1.20 .35


In duplex form, for Oval or Square Prints, Brown and Grey.

For Prints Size Outside Per 50 Per doz.
× 3¼ 4 × 5 $1.05 $0.30
× 4¼ × 6 1.15 .35
× 4¼ 5 × 6 1.25 .40
× 5½ × 7½ 1.45 .45
4 × 5 5? × 6? 1.55 .50

Stereo Mounts

Size of mount, 3½ × 7; color, English Grey; per 100, $0.65; per 50, $0.35

Kodak Dry Mounting Tissue

Mounts prints even on thin mounts without curl. The simplest method of mounting, no apparatus being required—just fix the tissue on print, lay on mount and press with a warm flat iron; no sticky fingers, no muss of any kind.

The Price

Size, 3½ × 3½, 3 dozen $0.10
Size, 3¼ × 4¼, 3 dozen .10
Size, 3¼ × 5½, 2 dozen .10
Size, 4 × 5, 2 dozen .10
Size, 4¼ × 6½, 1 dozen .10
Size, 5 × 7, 1 dozen .10

Glass Dry Plates

Seed and Royal Special Extra Rapid.

Size Per doz.
3½ × 3½ $0.35
3¼ × 4¼ .45
3¼ × 5½ .65
Royal Lantern Slide Plates, 3¼ × 3¼ .35
Ditto, 3¼ × 4 .45
4 × 5 .65
4¼ × 6½ .90
5 × 7 1.10
Cover Glass, 3¼ × 3¼ .18
Ditto, 3¼ × 4 .20
Lantern Slide Binders, per package, 50 strips .10

Printing Frames

Eastman 3½ × 3½, opens two-thirds $0.25
Eastman 3¼ × 4¼, opens two-thirds .25
Eastman 3¼ × 5½, for films, opens two-thirds .25
Ditto, for plates .25
Eastman 4 × 5, opens two-thirds .25
Eastman 5 × 7, opens two-thirds .35
Eastman 3½ × 12, for No. 4 Panoram Kodak, opens in three sections .75
Eastman 2¼ × 7, for No. 1 Panoram Kodak, opens in two sections .30
Brownie Printing Frame, No. 1, for 2¼ × 2¼ Developing paper only .10
Brownie Printing Frame, No. 2, for 2¼ × 3¼ Developing paper only .15

Developing Trays

"Bull's-Eye" Composition, 4 × 6 $0.15
"Bull's-Eye" Composition, 5 × 7 .30
"Bull's-Eye" Composition. 3 × 8½ .22
"Bull's-Eye" Composition, 4½ × 14 .50
Maple Leaf Enameled, 4 × 5 .20
Maple Leaf Enameled, 4 × 6 .25
Maple Leaf Enameled, 5 × 7 .35



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