The simplest and safest method of making flash-light pictures is by means of the Eastman Flash Sheets and Kodak Flash Sheet Holder. The sheets burn slowly, giving a broad, soft light, and not so startling the subject as to give a staring effect to the eyes. The holder is a genuine innovation. A saw tooth holds the sheet in proper position and it is lighted from the back through an aperture provided in the centre for the purpose. In this manner the holder is always between the operator and the flash sheet, and it may be held in the hand or supported on a tripod, a socket being provided for the latter purpose.
Kodak Magnesium Ribbon Holder This extremely handy little apparatus provides a most convenient method of burning magnesium ribbon for photographic purposes. It comprises at once a compact magazine for storing the ribbon, a convenient holder for burning it, and a ready means of measuring definite lengths. For printing on Velox and other gas light papers, lantern slides, etc., the ribbon is pushed forward by a movement of the thumb upon the edge of the revolving disc until the desired length of ribbon projects from holder.
Flashlight Material cannot be sent by mail. Kodak Trimming Boards Made of hard wood, with natural finish, have fine quality steel blades and are fitted with rule.
Kodak Candle Lamp This clever little lamp is collapsible and can be packed into very small space when not in use. It is made of special tested ruby fabric, bound in metal frames and gives a strong, safe light for the dark room.
Kodak Dark Room Lamp The Kodak Dark Room Lamp is oil burning and is fitted with both orange and ruby glass. It has an unusually broad wick regulated from the outside and gives a soft, steady light for the dark room.
Velox Lantern Slide Film For use with the Kodiopticon or any other lantern slide projector that has a water cell cooling device. With these films you can make lantern slides by contact as easily as you can make Velox prints, the exposure, development and printing being the same. For making slides by projection they are as convenient as any plate. After the slide is made, it is masked with Velox Lantern Slide Mats and mounted in the Velox Lantern Slide Frame which has standard opening, and eliminates the binding of the edges. These slides are absolutely unbreakable. Prices
Tested Chemicals Certainty in making negatives and prints depends as much on the quality of your chemicals as on any other one thing. All Kodak chemicals are tested both photographically and for purity before the C. K. C. tested seal is allowed to go upon them. That seal is your protection.
For Velox preparations see page 53. For Solio preparations, see page 55. For Tank Developer Chemicals, see page 43. Kodak Sundries