Eastman Plate Tank


What the film tank has done for films, the plate tank does for plates. The idea of the two tanks is based upon the same time and temperature system of development, with, of course, such differences in actual construction of the tanks as are required by the physical differences between films and plates. And as plates must be unloaded in a dark room, the plate tank cannot offer the advantage of daylight quite all the way, but it takes only a few moments in the dark room to load this tank, after which it may be brought out into any light for development.

The device consists of a metal solution cup with cover, a cage for holding 12 or less plates, and a loading fixture for loading the plates in the cage.

The exposed plates are loaded into the cage and placed in the tank, which has been filled with developer, in the dark room and the tank cover fastened in place. On the front of the tank is a dial for registering time. Development is allowed to continue for fifteen minutes, the tank being reversed several times. After development the developer is washed out of the plates, and the fixing bath poured into the tank, after which the plates are ready for washing in the usual manner.

The Price

Eastman Plate Tank, for 4 × 5, 3¼ × 5½, and smaller plates, includes solution cup, plate cage, loading fixture and adjustable kit $3.50
Ditto, 5 × 7, without kit 4.50
Adjustable Kit, for 4 × 5 or 3¼ × 5½ tank, to take smaller plates .50
Separate Kits, for 5 × 7 tank, to take 3¼ × 5½, 4¼ × 6½ or 4¾ × 6½ plates, each .75
Metal Insert, for 5 × 7 tank, to take 4 × 5 plates .10
Eastman Plate Tank Developer Powders, for 4 × 5 tank, per package, ½ dozen .20
Ditto, for 5 × 7 tank, per package, ½ dozen .35
Kodak Acid Fixing Powder, per 1 pound package .25
Ditto, per ½-pound package .15



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