Brownie Enlarging Camera Illuminator


In enlarging with the Brownie or Vest Pocket Kodak Enlarging Camera, the exposure may be made by daylight, but to accommodate those who wish to do their enlarging at night or who prefer to use artificial light at all times we have devised the Brownie Enlarging Camera Illuminator, which assures the user a uniformly strong, even light, day or night. It is simply constructed, and moderate in price.

The illuminator is collapsible, but when set up, has the form of a half-round, light-proof box with socket through which is inserted an electric light bulb.

The inner walls of this box are white and act as a reflector when the light is turned on. At the end is a ground glass, which diffuses the light, so that by placing negative end of the enlarging camera in contact with this glass and turning on the electricity, an excellent steady printing light is obtained.

The glass is provided with a hinged protector of ruby cloth, which may be closed as soon as the exposure is completed, and the illuminator then becomes a perfect lamp for the developing and subsequent operations with the enlargement. Complete instructions for use are included with each outfit, and anyone who has electric light in the house will find it invaluable for enlarging purposes.

Brownie Enlarging Camera Illuminator, $3.50.


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