In presenting this catalogue to the trade, we beg to call attention to the completeness in detail of the various lines herein represented, embracing the largest variety of the latest improved cooking devices which inventive genius and manufacturer’s skill have, as yet, been able to produce. We take just pride in the efficiency already attained in the construction and the general advancement of the Gasoline and Oil Stove business, of which we have been largely the originators. A glance at the pages following will disclose the fact that we have been thoroughly alive to the best interests of our line, showing more new goods and greater improvements than we have ever before been able to offer in a single season. Our leaders, the “NEW PROCESS” Gasoline Stoves, and the “STANDARD” WICKLESS BLUE FLAME Oil Stoves, together with an almost endless variety of medium and low-priced stoves, will enable Jobbers and Dealers who are identified with our line, to supply every possible demand for this class of goods. We hope by enterprise in keeping our different lines of goods in the highest possible state of perfection, and by a strict adherence to the principle of right in our dealings, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage which has been accorded us in the past. THE STANDARD LIGHTING CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. |