stove image No. 1 A, Patent Reflex Iron Oven. No. 1 A, “New Process” Top Oven. The accompanying cuts represent our patent top oven, No. 1 A. The construction of the flues is such that the distribution of heat is equalized in all parts of the oven, consequently this oven will bake equally well upon the top or bottom shelf. The outer wall is made of iron, heavily embossed, which gives it strength. The inner wall is corrugated tin. The “New Process” is without doubt the best baking oven on the market. It is made to cover two burners, the inside dimensions of the oven being 19½ × 13¼ × 12 inches. stove image No. 1 A, Patent Reflex Iron Oven, With Door Lowered. The door of this oven is hinged at the bottom, so that when opened it forms a very convenient shelf, supported by chains as shown in the cut. The oven is knocked down and packed in very compact form for convenience in shipping. No. 1 B, “New Process” Has the same general construction, except that the outside is made of tin. A Good Oven Is one in which the heat flues are constructed in such a manner that the heat is distributed evenly through the baking compartment. The “Standard” Perfect Bakers Will bake quickly and evenly on the top and bottom alike. A poor oven often causes a good stove to be condemned, and is dear at any price. Standard Ovens are properly constructed of good materials, and are sold at the right price. We have the best facilities for the manufacture of ovens, and solicit your orders. Special Prices Quoted on Large Orders. oven image Size 13 × 21 × 18, Outside Measurement. Made of planished steel or tin, with Japanned top and bottom, drop handles and swing doors. Will cover two burners. Nos. 14 and 15 furnished with either end or side door. Weight, 20 lbs. oven image Size 13 × 18 × 18, Outside Measurement. Made of planished steel or tin, with Japanned top and bottom, drop handles and swing door. A good sized oven for one large burner. Weight, 20 lbs. oven image Size 13 × 13 × 18, Outside Measurement. Made of planished steel or tin, with Japanned top and bottom, swing door and drop handles. A suitable size for one burner. Weight, 15 lbs. “New Process” Oil Heater. The above cuts represent the “New Process” Oil Heater, which is suitable for use in bed rooms, bath rooms, dining rooms, offices, summer resorts, or wherever moderate heat is required without a flue in connection. "Design and "Operation." The “New Process” Oil Heater produces a white flame, smokeless and odorless, of great intensity and heating power. It is light and portable, and can be put just where it is needed most. It will comfortably heat in cold weather a room of ordinary size. Height, 28¾. Diameter, 9¼. Weight of Heater, 13¾ lbs. Boxed, 23 lbs. “Standard” Oil Heater. In constructing this heater, especial attention has been given to its efficiency in operation. It produces a pure white flame of great intensity and heating power. The “Standard” is well proportioned and handsome in appearance. The upper drum is made of planished steel, and nicely ornamented. The base is made of stamped sheet steel and aluminum finished. Though massive in appearance, is light in weight and very rigid. The lower part of fount is stamped in one piece, thereby avoiding all leaks. The wick holder and raising device are new, simple and desirable features. We recommend the “Standard” as being a first-class heater in every respect. The “Standard” is 28 inches in height; diameter of upper drum, 9¼ inches; size of base, 14 inches; shipping weight, 20 lbs. No. 25. The accompanying cut shows the No. 25 Mammoth Globe Incandescent lamp with 20-inch tin reflector and chimney complete. We furnish it in either brass or nickel-plated finish. The reservoir holds enough oil for eight hours’ burning, and is provided with an indicator showing at all times the amount of oil in reservoir. The reservoir never becomes heated. The lamp is fitted with a duplex spreader plate and makes a handsome white flame. It will brilliantly illuminate a room 35 feet square, at a cost of less than one cent per hour. No. 250. No. 5000. The above cuts represent two additional styles of the Globe Incandescent Lamp. The No. 250 Lamp is provided with 14-inch porcelain dome shade, crown ring and chimney complete. The No. 5000 Lamp has fancy harp, 14-inch porcelain dome shade, crown ring, spring extension and chimney. In other respects these lamps are the same as the one described on the preceding page. The Globe Lamps are especially suited for lighting stores, offices, halls, churches, factories, railroad stations, restaurants and large areas where powerful, steady, economical illumination is desired. “New Process” Toaster. Can be used on any kind of a stove, for either toasting or broiling. broiler image “New Process” Ventilated Broiler. Retains all the juices in the meat, equal to wood or charcoal fire when used on the “New Process” Stoves. Vapor Street Light. Our Vapor Street Light, as shown above, is the only one made with a removable fixture. The reservoir holds one quart of gasoline. The fluid flows through the down pipe, passes through the atomizer tube, where it is vaporized, and burns at the “Tip” like coal gas. The number of hours each light is required to burn can be regulated by the amount of the fluid put into the reservoir. Our system of vapor street lighting is largely used. We sell our lanterns, fixtures and burners complete for public or private use. Incandescent Wall Torch. LIGHT YOUR DARK SHOPS CHEAPLY. GIVE YOUR MEN PLENTY OF LIGHT AND THEY WILL DO DOUBLE WORK. Shipping Weight, 50 lbs. per Dozen. The Standard Incandescent Wall Torches are made to burn coal oil or gasoline (requiring separate burner for each.) These torches will stand a wind that would quickly extinguish any other light except one produced by electricity. Reservoir holds one gallon and will supply the burner from twelve to fourteen hours, producing a light equal to eight gas jets. |