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Carriage robe

MATERIALS: HERO King Size Crazy Daisy Winder. 4 Ply Knitting Worsted, 4 oz. Skeins, 5 Mint Green (A) and 1 White (B). HERO No. E aluminum crochet hook. Yarn darning needle. 4 yds ½ satin ribbon for trim.

TO MAKE DAISIES: Follow directions for making daisies on page 3. Wind color A around each spoke twice and sew centers with B. Make 36 daisies.

TRIM DAISY: Outside Trim: With B, sc in sp of petal (go through both loops of petal), * ch 3, yo and pull up a loop in first ch, yo pull through 2 loops (2 loops remain on hook), yo pick up a loop back in first ch (4 loops on hook), yo pull through all 4 loops on hook (cluster), sc in sp of next petal; repeat from * around, ending with a cluster, join with a sl st to first sc. Fasten off securely. 12 clusters around.

Inside Trim: With B, sc in side of petal near center (go through both loops), * work a cluster as for outside trim, skip 1 petal, sc in side of next petal; repeat from * around, end with a cluster and join with a sl st to first sc. 6 clusters around. Fasten off. Attach A, sc in back of sc of an outside B cluster, * ch 4, sc in back of next sc of a B cluster; repeat from * around, end ch 4, join with a sl st. Fasten off. 12 spaces around.

FIRST BLOCK: Attach A, sc in ch-4 sp, * (ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp) 3 times, ch 5, sl st back in sc to form a picot; repeat from * around, end (ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp) twice, ch 4, join with a sl st to first sc, ch 5, sl st back in sc to complete 4th picot. Fasten off.

SECOND BLOCK: Attach A, sc in ch-4 sp, (ch 4, sc in next sp) 3 times, place back to back with first block, ch 2, sl st in sp of picot on first block, ch 2, sl st back in sc to complete picot joining on 2nd block, (ch 3, sl st in sp of first block, ch 3, sc in next sp on 2nd block) 3 times, ch 2, sl st in sp of picot on first block, ch 2, sl st in sc on 2nd block to complete picot joining, (ch 4, sc in next sp on 2nd block) 3 times, ch 5, sl st in sc to complete picot, (ch 4, sc in next sp) twice, ch 4, join with a sl st to first sc, ch 5, 31 st in sc for 4th picot. Fasten off.

THIRD BLOCK: This block is joined to another side of first block. Attach A, sc in ch-4 sp, (ch 4, sc in next sp) 3 times, place back to back to first block, ch 2, sl st in picot of first block, ch 2, sl st back in sc on 3rd block for picot joining, (ch 3, sl st in next sp on first block, ch 3, sc in next sp on 3rd block) 3 times, ch 2, sl st in center of picot joining, ch 2, sl st back in sc on 3rd block for picot joining, (ch 4, sc in next sp on 3rd block) 3 times, ch 5, sl st back in sc for picot, (ch 4, sc in next sp) twice, ch 4, join with a sl st to first sc, ch 5, sl st back in sc to complete 4th picot. Fasten off.

FOURTH BLOCK: This block is joined to one side each of 2nd and 3rd blocks. Attach A, sc in ch-4 sp, (ch 4, sc in next sp) 3 times, place back to back to 3rd block, ch 2, sl st in picot of 3rd block, ch 2, sl st back in sc on 4th block for picot joining, (ch 3, sl st in next sp on 3rd block, ch 3, sc in next sp on 4th block) 3 times, ch 2, sl st in center of 3 joined picots, ch 2, sl st back in sc on 4th block to complete 4th picot joining, (ch 3, sl st in next sp on 2nd block, ch 3, sc in next sp on 4th block) 3 times, ch 2, sl st in picot on 2nd block, ch 2, sl st in sc on 4th block to complete picot joining, (ch 4, sc in next sp on 4th block) twice, ch 4, join with a sl st to first sc, ch 5, sl st back in sc to complete picot. Fasten off. Connect 6 rows of 6 blocks across for center piece.

Rnd 1: Attach A at a corner and work ch 3, 2 dc in corner sp (half corner), # * ch 1, 3 dc in next sp (1 pattern); repeat from * across to next corner (18 patterns) (see that work lies flat), in next corner sp work ch 1, 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc all in the one sp #; repeat between #’s around, ending with 18 patterns on the 4th side, ch 1, 3 dc in starting corner, ch 1 and join with a sl st to top of starting ch.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, 2 dc in corner sp (half corner), # * ch 1, 3 dc in next sp; repeat from * to corner, ch 1, 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in corner sp #; repeat between #’s around, ending with ch 1, 3 dc in first corner, ch 1, join with a sl st to top of starting ch. Repeat rnd 2 for 12 times more or until desired size.

Last rnd: Working backwards (counter clockwise) sc in each st around, working 2 sc in each corner (see that work lies flat). Fasten off.

FINISHING: Weave ribbon in and out around last eyelet row as shown. Sew ends of ribbon tog.


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