
Shown on page 7

SIZE: 6 mo. to 1 yr.

MATERIALS: HERO Crazy Daisy Winder. Sport Yarn, 2 oz. pull skein, 3 Mint Green (A) and 1 White (B). HERO No. 1 steel crochet hook and No. C aluminum crochet hook. Tapestry needle. 1 yd ½ wide satin ribbon.

TO MAKE DAISIES: Make 62 daisies (57 for sacque, 5 for cap) following directions on page 3. Use A for petals and B for sewing centers, winding A 3 times around each spoke.


CONNECTING DAISIES: With B and No. 1 steel crochet hook, sc in sp of a petal (go through 3 loops of petal), * ch 3, yo and pick up a loop in first ch, yo pull through 2 loops (2 loops remain on hook), yo pick up a loop back in same first ch (4 loops on hook), yo pull through all 4 loops (cluster), sc in sp of next petal; repeat from *, end join with a slip st to first sc (12 clusters). Fasten off. Crochet around all 62 daisies with B in this manner.

FIRST BLOCK: Attach A, with No. 1 crochet hook, sc in back loop of sc of B cluster on previous rnd, * (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster of previous rnd) 3 times, ch 5, slip st back into base sc to form a picot; repeat from * around end (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) twice, ch 4, join with a sl st to first sc, ch 5, slip st into base sc to complete the 4th picot. Fasten off.

SECOND BLOCK: Attach A and sc in back loop of sc of B cluster, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next cluster) 3 times. Place daisy back to back with first block, ch 2, slip st in sp of picot of first block, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete picot joining, (ch 2, slip st in first space of first block, ch 2, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster on 2nd block) 3 times, ch 2, slip st in picot of first block, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete picot joining, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) 3 times, ch 5, slip st in base sc to complete picot, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) twice, ch 4, join with a slip st to first sc, ch 5, slip st back into base sc to complete 4th picot. Fasten off.

THIRD BLOCK: The third block is joined to another side of the first block. With A, sc in back loop of sc of B cluster on previous rnd, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) 3 times. Hold daisy back to back to first block, ch 2, slip st in picot of first block, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete picot joining, (ch 2, slip st in first space on first block, ch 2, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster on 3rd daisy) 3 times, ch 2, slip st in center between 2 picots, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete picot joining, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) 3 times, ch 5, slip st back into base so to complete picot, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) twice, ch 4, join with a slip st to starting sc, ch 5, slip st back into base sc to complete picot. Fasten off.

FOURTH BLOCK: The fourth block is joined to one side each of both the 2nd and 3rd blocks. Attach A and sc in back loop of sc of B cluster, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) 3 times, place daisy back to back with 3rd block, ch 2, slip st in picot on 3rd block, ch 2, slip st back into base sc on 4th block to complete picot joining, (ch 2, slip st in next space on 3rd block, ch 2, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster on 4th daisy) 3 times, ch 2, slip st in center of the 3 joined picots, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete the 4th picot at the joining, (ch 2, slip st in next space on 2nd block, ch 2, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster on 4th daisy) 3 times, ch 2, slip st in picot on 2nd block, ch 2, slip st back into base sc to complete picot joining, (ch 4, sc in back loop of sc of next B cluster) twice, ch 4, join with a slip st to first sc, ch 5, slip st back into base sc to complete 4th picot. Fasten off.

BODY: Connect 3 rows of 11 blocks across.

SLEEVES: Make 2. Connect 3 rows of 4 blocks across; then join undersleeve seam as you join the rest of the blocks.

YOKE: With C hook, A and right side facing, work 26 sc across 3 blocks of body (right front), place a marker, work 33 sc around one sleeve, place a marker, work 44 sc across 5 blocks of body (back), place a marker, work 33 sc around other sleeve, place a marker, work 26 sc across last 3 blocks (left front). Ch 1 to turn. Row 2: * 1 dc in each st to within 2 sts from next marker, yo pull up a loop in next st, yo pull through 2 loops leaving 2 loops on hook, yo pull up a loop in next st, yo pull through 2 loops, yo pull through 3 loops (1 dc decreased), slip marker, decrease 1 dc on next 2 sts; repeat from * across (8 sts dec on row). Ch 1 to turn. Repeat row 2 for 10 times more. Fasten off.

FINISHING: With A, right side facing, No. 1 hook and starting on right front at start of yoke, work sc along right front yoke, around neck and along left front yoke edge, placing 3 sc at each corner of neck. Fasten off A and attach B. Working backwards along row just completed (counter clockwise), * ch 1, skip 1 sc, hdc in next sc; repeat from * around yoke edges and neck. Fasten off. With double strand A, make a ch long enough to pull through neck edge and tie. Pull ch through neck edge. End of Tie: With A and No. 1 hook, ch 3, join with a sl st to form a ring. Rnd 1: 6 sc in ring. Rnd 2: 1 sc in each sc. Roll end of tie into cup shape and sew tog. Block lightly.


With A and No. C hook, ch 64 loosely. Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook, * dc in next ch; repeat from * across, 62 dc (to measure about 10 across). Ch 1 to turn. Row 2: 1 dc in each dc. Ch 1 to turn. Repeat row 2 for pattern st. Work even 3¾. Next row: Leave off 20 sts, attach yarn and work dc on center 22 sts, leaving off the last 20 sts. Work even on the center 22 sts until piece measures the width of left off 20 sts at each side edge. Fasten off. Sew seams placing length of center piece to width of left off 20 sts at each side edge. Work 4 rows of sc across back of cap taking it in on first row to measure about 9. Connect 5 daisies across in one line as shown for cuff. Crochet lower edge of daisies to front edge of cap with a row of sc. Tack daisies at each side edge. Sew on ribbon for ties.

Instructions for Carriage Robe on page 19.


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