Special Index to Directions | PAGE | Bank-run gravel, | 13 | Cleaning forms, | 24 | Definition of concrete, | 9 | Dry mixture, | 13 | Forms, | 22-24 | Gravel, | 10, 13 | Hand mixing, | 17-21 | Materials, | 9,10 | Measuring boxes, | 12 | Measuring materials, | 11-13 | Medium mixture, | 13 | Mixing, | 15-22 | Natural mixture, | 13-20 | Placing, | 25, 26 | Portland cement, | 9 | Proportions, | 11-13 | Protection of concrete after placing, | 26 | Publications issued by the Association, | 8 | Quantities of materials, | 21, 22 | Reinforcement, | 26, 27 | Runs, | 15 | Sand as an aggregate, | 9 | Selecting lumber for forms, | 23 | Stone as an aggregate, | 10 | Tools, | 15 | Wet mixture, | 13 | General Index | PAGE | Acetylene gas house, | 83-87 | Alleyways, | 41 | Barns, | 62 | Barn approach, | 60 | Barn floors, | 54-59 | Barn foundations, | 61, 62 | Barnyard pavements, | 47, 48 | Base for machinery, | 87-89 | Bee cellars, | 92, 93 | Carriage house entrance, | 39 | Carriage washing floor, | 42 | Cellar steps and hatchway, | 90, 91 | Chimney, | 50, 51 | Chimney caps, | 97 | Cistern covers, | 69 | Cisterns, | 68-70, 72-73 | Coal house, | 83-87 | Cold-frame, | 99, 100 | Concrete in the country, | 5-8 | Corn crib floor, | 53 | Corner stones, | 105 | Cow barn floors, | 55-58 | Culverts, | 108, 109 | Cyclone cellar, | 92-93 | Dairy, | 83-87 | Dipping vats and tanks, | 76-80 | Dog kennel, | 83-87 | Drain tile outlet, | 106 | Drinking troughs and tanks, | 74, 75 | Driveway of concrete, | 40, 41 | Drop gutters, | 54-59 | Duck pond, | 95 | Engine base foundation, | 87, 88 | Engine house, | 82-89 | Entrance floor, | 39 | Farm buildings, | 82-89 | Feed cooker, | 50, 51 | Feeding floors, | 43-45 | Feeding troughs, racks and mangers, | 49, 50 | Fence posts, | 104 | Field rollers, | 102 | Field spring improvement, | 70, 71 | Floors, | 39, 42, 45, 47, 48, | | 53-56, 58, 79, | | 82, 83, 87, 98 | Foundation gutter, | 35 | Fruit cellars, | 92, 93 | Garbage receiver, | 103 | Gasoline engine base, | 87, 88 | Gate posts, | 104, 105 | Granary floors, | 53 | Gutters, | 35 | Hatchway for cellar steps, | 90, 91 | Hay cap weights, | 103 | Hen house, | 94 | Hens’ nests, | 94 | Hitching post, | 104 | Hog wallows, | 52 | Horse barn floors, | 58, 59 | Hot-bed, | 99, 100 | Housing for driven well, | 67, 68 | Hydraulic ram house, | 89 | Ice house, | 83-87 | Lawn roller, | 102 | Mangers, | 49, 50, 57, 59 | Manure pits and cisterns, | 45 | Milk house, | 83-87 | Milk vat, | 81, 82 | Nests for hens, | 94 | Old buildings and their repair, | 36-38 | Porch floor, | 98, 99 | Posts for fences and gates, | 104 | Posts, hitching, | 104 | Poultry house, | 94 | Ram house, | 89 | Repairs to farm buildings, | 36-38 | Retaining wall and steps, | 96, 97 | Roadways, | 40, 41 | Root cellar, | 92, 93 | Rollers, | 102 | Sanitary water supply, | 67-75 | Septic tanks, | 110, 111 | Sidewalks, | 28-34 | Silos, | 65, 66 | Small farm buildings, | 82-89 | Smoke house, | 83-87 | Snow fences, | 63, 64 | Spraying tanks, | 107 | Spring improvements, | 70, 71 | Steps, | 90, 91, 96, 97 | Stones, corner, | 105 | Survey monuments, | 105 | Swimming pool, | 112 | Tanks, | 74, 75 | Tarpaulin weights, | 103 | Tool house, | 83-87 | Trash burner, | 103 | Tree repair, | 101 | Troughs, | 74, 75 | Vegetable cellar, | 92, 93 | Walks, | 28-34 | Walk specifications, | 29 | Watering troughs, | 74, 75 | Weights for hay caps and tarpaulins, | 103 | Well cover, | 69 | Well protection, | 67-70 | Wind walls, | 63, 64 | Window hatch, | 112 | Wiring forms, | 23 |