
WE GUARANTEE the material and workmanship on all our alleys to be first-class in every respect and will repair free of charge, for one year, any breakage due to faulty construction or defective material; but we cannot guarantee against the natural effect of heat and moisture on the stock out of which the alleys are laid.

EXPERIENCE is a very necessary factor in building Bowling Alleys. For six years we built alleys according to the old method of setting the sleepers in cement, nailing the beds to them, etc., and though we took great care to have all work and materials first-class, our alleys did not always give the perfect satisfaction we desired. To obviate some of the troubles, in 1892 we introduced the Reisky & Wolf adjustable alleys with improvements in the construction of the beds, etc., and later the Standard non-adjustable alleys built on the same general principles. These alleys have given such excellent satisfaction that our business has largely increased, and we are confident that every alley we build according to our new method will give perfect satisfaction.


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