The necessary dimensions for “Regulation” Bowling Alleys are given on the blue print bound in opposite this page. The required space should be absolutely free from columns, piers, pipes, etc. Any such projection will prevent the alleys from being full “Regulation” size as required in match games. More space at the end of the “Run” for spectators is desirable, but not necessary. A space 5 ft. wide and 6 in. deep for the pit should be provided; the rest of the floor or ground should be level as shown in section on the blue print. Original spelling and grammar have been generally retained, with some exceptions noted below. The transcriber produced the cover image and hereby assigns it to the public domain. Original page images are available from—search for “bowlingcataloge00narr”. - Page 3. “Reiskey” is spelled “Reisky” on pages 18 and 20, both names are retained.
- Pages 12, 13. The illustration extended over two pages, and the caption was divided between the two. These illustrations have been combined into one image (Longitudinal Section of a Standard Bowling Alley) for these ebook editions.
- Page 23. The tables were edited, and the first table was restructured, to remove ditto marks, which do not work well in ebooks. The first column, last row entry of the first table was changed from “Regulation, 27 in. cir. wt.” to “8.59”—i.e., to the calculated diameter instead of the stated regulation circumference, to match the other entries in the column, and a new footnote to the table was added to clarify.
- Page 25. The blueprint was a large foldout page in the original. Herein, the image has been reduced so drastically in size that legibility is problematic. A somewhat larger version is available in the html edition only, by clicking on the displayed image.