Sizes: Small, Medium, Large
GAUGE: 9 sts = 2 inches Directions are given for small size. Changes for medium and large sizes are given in parentheses. BACK: With Canary (Main Color) cast on 73 (77, 81) sts. 1st ROW: P across row. 2nd ROW: K across row, drop MC. 3rd and 4th ROWS: With Tangerine (Contrasting Color) K across each row, drop CC. 5th ROW: With MC, K 1, * yarn to back sl 1 as if to P, K 1, repeat from * across row. 6th ROW: K 1, * yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, K 1 repeat from * across row, drop MC. 7th and 8th ROWS: With CC K across each row, drop CC. 9th ROW: With MC K across row. 10th ROW: P across row, drop MC. 11th and 12th ROWS: With CC K across each row, drop CC. 13th ROW: With MC K across row. 14th ROW: P across row, drop MC. 15th and 16th ROWS: With CC K across each row, drop CC. 17th ROW: With MC repeat 5th row. 18th ROW: Repeat 6th row. 19th and 20th ROWS: With CC K across each row, drop CC. 21st ROW: With MC K across row. 22nd ROW: P across row. With MC repeat from 19th to 22nd rows for pattern. Work even in pattern until back measures 13½ inches from beg or desired length to underarm. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Bind off 3 (4, 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows; then dec 1 st at each end every other row 4 times. Work even on 59 (61, 63) sts until armholes measure 7 (7¼, 7½) inches from 1st bind off. Work across 12 (13, 14) sts, bind off next 35 sts for back of neck, work across remaining sts. NEXT ROW: Tie in another skein of yarn and working both sides at same time dec 1 st at each side of neck edge. NEXT ROW: Work even. NEXT ROW: Dec 1 st at each side of neck edge. NEXT 2 ROWS. SHAPE SHOULDERS: Bind off 5 (5, 6) sts at beg of each row, bind off 5 (6, 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. FRONT: Work same as back to underarm, Shape Armholes same as back. Work even until armholes measure 4½ (4¾, 5) inches. SHAPE NECK: Work across 17 (18, 19) sts, bind off next 25 sts, work across remaining sts. NEXT ROW: Tie in another skein of yarn and working both sides at same time dec 1 st at each side of neck edge, then dec 1 st at each side of neck edge every other row 6 more times. Work even until armholes measure same as back. Shape Shoulders same as back. FINISHING: Block each section. Sew shoulder and side seams matching patterns. NECK EDGE: Attach MC at left shoulder and work a row of s c all around neck edge working 1 s c in every other row on sides, 1 s c in each bound off st across front and back, join, cut MC. Attach CC and work 1 s c in each st, join, cut yarn. ARMHOLE EDGE: Attach MC at underarm and work 1 s c in each bound off st at underarm and 1 s c in every other row around armhole, join, cut yarn. NEXT ROW: Attach CC and work 1 s c in each s c, join, cut yarn. |