indian stripe afghan


Illustrated on page 4

Size 56 inches x 62 inches Without Fringe
Materials Required: AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY “DAWN” KNITTING WORSTED, Article W 11 or W 15 or W 41 or W 42
48 ozs. Lt. Gray
12 ozs. Cardinal
4 ozs. White
4 ozs. Black
Afghan hook size G
1 tapestry needle
Bone crochet hook No. 6

AFGHAN ST: Ch for desired length, pick up and pull loop through each st of ch leaving all loops on hook, work back by drawing yarn through first loop (post), * yarn over hook and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row (1 complete row).

2nd Row—Insert hook under 2nd post and pull loop through, * insert hook under next post and pull loop through, repeat from * across row and work back in same manner as before. Repeat 2nd row for length desired. With Gray and using afghan hook, ch 56 and work 55 afghan sts on ch. Work in afghan st for 219 complete rows. With 1 loop on hook, insert hook under 2nd post and pull loop through, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, insert hook under 3rd post, pull through, yarn over and pull through both loops, continue working in s c across row and down left side only, working 1 s c in each row and inserting hook far enough back to catch 2 strands for strength, cut yarn. Work 2 more strips in same manner.

NARROW STRIP: With Cardinal and using afghan hook, ch 9 and work in afghan st for 6 complete rows.

7th Row: Claw Pattern: Pick up and pull loop through post 2, 3, 4 and 5 only (5 loops on hook), yarn over, insert hook under the 4th post of 3rd row and pull loop through (7 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, yarn over and pull through 1 loop (6 loops on hook), yarn over, skip 1 post of 3rd row, insert hook through next post (6th post) and pull through (8 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, yarn over and pull through 1 loop (7 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through 3 loops (5 loops on hook), pick up and pull a loop through post 6, 7, 8 and 9 and work back same as before. Work 1 complete row of afghan sts. Repeat from 7th row until there are 217 complete rows and inserting hook in 4th row below for claw patterns. Work 2 complete rows in afghan st. Finish same as large strips. Work 3 more strips in Cardinal and 4 strips in Gray in same manner.

JOINING: Crochet strips together with s c. Working on wrong side and starting at left side crochet a narrow Gray claw strip to large afghan strip picking up back loop of sts of each edge, row for row. Crochet a Cardinal claw strip to opposite side of large Gray afghan strip. Crochet remaining strips together as follows: narrow Gray claw strip, Cardinal claw strip, large Gray afghan strip, Cardinal claw strip, narrow Gray claw strip, Cardinal claw strip, large Gray afghan strip and narrow Gray claw strip.

FRINGE: Wind yarn over a 4 inch cardboard and cut one end. Using 1 strand, double in half and pull through each st, draw ends through loops, repeat across top and lower edge of each strip having the colors to correspond with strip. Embroider as illustrated following chart and starting pattern in 15th row from top and lower edge. Embroidery is worked in large afghan strips only using a cross st. Each post represents 1 st and the cross sts are worked over the post.


Chevron Afghan Instructions on Page 7.
Indian Stripe Afghan Instructions on Page 3.

Square Dance Afghan Instructions on Page 6.


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