Transcriber's Notes


The Names Index uses indentation to improve readability, but some eReaders do not support indentation. Most do, as do Browsers, so any of those alternatives may be used if seeing the indented structure is important.

Simple typographical errors were corrected; occasional unbalanced quotation marks were corrected when the placement was obvious.

Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained; occurrences of inconsistent hyphenation have not been changed.

Testimonies, Affidavits, the Names Index, and the Tables of Exhibits follow strict style conventions, so deviations from those conventions have been corrected during transcription. Most other errors, particularly of a factual nature, have not been changed, but some are mentioned later in these notes.

These kinds of style errors have been corrected when found:

Punctuation errors such as double commas and obviously mismatched quotation marks have been corrected. Punctuation has been standardized to follow the predominant usage in this book.

Missing periods after honorifics (e.g., “Mr” instead of “Mr.”) have been added.

Missing and misprinted periods after speakers’ names (these always are the first words in a paragraph, e.g., “Mr. Griffin” instead of “Mr. Griffin.”) have been added, unless followed by parenthetical remarks.

Misspelled names have been corrected when the correct spelling of those names frequently occur elsewhere in the text. Single, possibly misspelled references to third parties have not been changed, but some of them may be noted below.

Within the Names Index and the tables of Exhibits at the beginning and end of the book, punctuation followed a strict pattern. Occasional misprints deviating from this pattern have been corrected.

No attempt was made to identify incorrect volume or page references within the Index and Tables of Exhibits, but a few obvious ones that happened to be noticed during transcription have been corrected.

Some trivial grammatical errors (e.g., “its” or “it’s” when the other should have been printed) and erroneous repeated words have been corrected.

Some questions asked by Commission representatives did not end with a question mark. Those have not been changed.

Page 182: “For example, today, and particularly” probably should be “the day”.

Page 198: “kidnaped” was printed that way.

Page 217: “at the time the she asked me” was printed that way.

Page 278: An incomplete duplicate line was removed.

Page 286: “drum or rook up” was printed that way.

Page 286: Several occurrences of “Sweat” were changed to “Sweatt”, which matches the spelling in the Names Index.

Page 404: Text uses both “Nancy Monnell Powell” and “Nancy Mennell Powell” several times in the original book. Since “M-o-n-n-e-l-l” was spelled out on page 405, that spelling has been used in this eBook.

Page 535: “1946-56” was correctly printed that way. Mr. Newnam was counting out loud.

Page 653: “Did he drive you back?” may be a typographical error for “she”.

Page 700: Four paragraphs, beginning with the first occurrence of “The absence of copper”, were printed as though spoken by Mr. Redlich. They almost certainly were spoken by Mr. Shaneyfelt.

Page 741: “(The document referred to was marked Oliver Exhibit No. 9 for identification.)” probably should be “No. 10”.

Transcriber added a line of alphabetic links at the beginning of the Names Index

Page 759: “Choulous” was spelled that way on the referenced page in vol. XIV, but was spelled “Choulos” on the referenced page in vol. XV.

Page 758: “425–529” was printed that way, but the range may be excessive, as the next reference falls within it.

Page 785: “462–476” was printed that way, but the range may be excessive, as the next reference falls within it.


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