Transcriber's Notes


Punctuation and spelling variations were not changed.

Simple typographical errors were corrected; occasional unbalanced quotation marks were retained.

Occurrences of inconsistent hyphenation have not been changed.

Text uses “timeclock” and “time clock”; both forms retained.

Text mostly uses “Tammi” but occasionally uses “Tammy”; both spellings retained.

Several questions asked by the investigators end with periods instead of question marks. These were not changed.

Consecutive occurrences of “the” and “and” were changed to one occurrence; consecutive occurrences of other words were retained. Two that may have been Court Reporter transcription errors are noted below.

Page 10: “It could have been” was misprinted as “I could have been” and has been corrected here.

Page 100: “that that he had been shot” was printed that way.

Page 152: Testimony by Mr. McKinzie “That’s right. So, your statement” appears to be Mr McKinzie’s answer, followed by another question by Mr. Hubert.

Page 233: “Well, I don’t know know if he” was printed that way.

Page 235: ‘He says, “well—I didn’t seem to think that I would have to tell him that.’ was printed that way, with an unmatched double quote.

Page 420: “He brought the lumber out of it” was misprinted as “He bought the lumber out of it”; changed here.

Page 500: “Did you you ever make any telephone calls” was printed that way.

Page 502: The second “Griffin”should be “Crafard” in “Mr. Griffin. Mr. Griffin, how about his efforts”.


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