Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed. Misspellings in quoted evidence not changed; misspellings that could be due to mispronunciations were not changed. Some simple typographical errors were corrected. Inconsistent hyphenation of compound words retained. Ambiguous end-of-line hyphens retained. Occasional uses of "Mr." for "Mrs." and of "Mrs." for "Mr." corrected. Dubious repeated words, (e.g., "the nature of the inquiry tonight is to to determine the facts") retained. Several unbalanced quotation marks not remedied. Occasional periods that should be question marks not changed. Occasional periods that should be commas, and commas that should be periods, were changed only when they clearly had been misprinted (at the end of a paragraph or following a speaker's name in small-caps at the beginning of a line). Some commas and semi-colons were printed so faintly that they appear to be periods or colons: some were found and corrected, but some almost certainly remain. Occasional missing periods at the ends of sentences have been remedied. Text uses both "Nelson" and "Nielson"; may or may not be the same person. Text uses both "Eberhart" and "Eberhardt"; probably the same person. Text uses both "MacMaster" and "MacMasters"; they appear to refer to the same person, "Ted P. MacMaster", but none of these has been changed. Page 92: "Mr. Stevenson, my name Leon Hubert." is missing the word "is". Page 97: "were in the basement; we" was printed with the semi-colon. Page 104: "I directed by attention" is misprint for "my". Page 124: Quotation marks in the paragraph beginning "Closing the quote" were printed as shown here. Page 180: In "10:50 approximately 10:50", the second one was printed as "10.50"; changed here. Page 180: "onduty" may be misprint for "on duty". Page 207: "Do you solemnly swear" was misprinted as "your"; changed here. Page 210: "I would recognize them if I say them" was printed that way. Page 214: Reference to "Detective Crenshaw" was spelled that way. Page 245: "I told Goolsby" was misprinted as "Goodsby"; changed here. Page 262: "I immediately come to town." was printed that way. Page 265: "The 29th or November 1963" is misprint for "of". Page 278: "No; Captain Martin" was printed that way. Page 280: "know what you are thinking is about it" was printed that way. Page 293: "Let the record show that I am not taking out of the bound" was printed that way. Page 299: "Mr. Hubert. Why don't you go ahead" may be misprint for "Mr. Griffin." Page 307: "How long have you known Officer Harrison" was misprinted as "know"; changed here. Page 324: "line of newsman" was printed that way. Page 343: Several instances of "Mr. Putnam." that should have been "Sergeant Putnam." have not been changed. Page 344: "not seen my anybody" should be "by". Page 376: "Mr. Watson. But, your head was turned away from the area?" probably was asked by Mr. Hubert, and Mr. Watson's response to the previous question is missing. Page 393: "the spot there were you first saw" perhaps should be "where". Page 402: "the part mental interview" probably should be "departmental". Page 408: "Is that correct?" was misprinted as "It"; changed here. Page 415: "As the title of the Commission would indicate," ends with a comma in the source. Page 428: "were there four of five" probably should be "or". |