
Preface v
Testimony of—
John Edward Pic 1
Edward John Pic, Jr 82
Kerry Wendell Thornley 82
George B. Church, Jr 115
Mrs. George B. Church, Jr 116
Billy Joe Lord 117
Alexander Kleinlerer 118
Mrs. Donald Gibson 123
Ruth Hyde Paine 153, 389
M. Waldo George 155
William Kirk Stuckey 156
Horace Elroy Twiford 179
Estelle Twiford 179
Virginia H. James 180
James L. Ritchie 191
Carroll Hamilton Seeley, Jr 193
Louis Feldsott 205
J. Philip Lux 206
Howard Leslie Brennan 206
Albert C. Yeargan, Jr 207
Louis Weinstock 207
Vincent T. Lee 208
Farrell Dobbs 208
Virginia Gray 209
Albert F. Staples 210
Katherine Mallory 210
Monica Kramer 212
Rita Naman 213
John Bryan McFarland and Meryl McFarland 214
Pamela Mumford 215
Dial Duwayne Ryder 224
Hunter Schmidt, Jr 240
Charles W. Greener 245
Gertrude Hunter 253
Edith Whitworth 262
Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald, Edith Whitworth, and Gertrude Hunter 275
Eugene D. Anderson 301
James A. Zahm 306
C. A. Hamblen 311
Robert Gene Fenley 314
Aubrey Lee Lewis 318
Dean Adams Andrews, Jr 325
Evaristo Rodriguez 339
Orest Pena 346
Ruperto Pena 364
Sylvia Odio 66


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