Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed. Misspellings in quoted evidence not changed; misspellings that could be due to mispronunciations were not changed. Some simple typographical errors were corrected. Inconsistent hyphenation of compound words retained. Ambiguous end-of-line hyphens retained. Occasional uses of "Mr." for "Mrs." and of "Mrs." for "Mr." corrected. Dubious repeated words, (e.g., "What took place by way of of conversation?") retained. Several unbalanced quotation marks not remedied. Occasional periods that should be question marks not changed. Occasional periods that should be commas, and commas that should be periods, were changed only when they clearly had been misprinted (at the end of a paragraph or following a speaker's name in small-caps at the beginning of a line). Some commas and semi-colons were printed so faintly that they appear to be periods or colons: some were found and corrected, but some almost certainly remain. Text uses "Le Gon" and "LeGon", possibly deliberately; not changed. Text uses "door jamb", "doorjamb", "doorjam", "jamb", and "jam"; none changed. "Exhibits Introduced" lists Exhibit No. 364 on page 93, but it is on page 447. Page 1: "The Commission to investigate" was printed that way. Page 16: "quite a field" was misprinted as "quiet"; changed here. Page 23: "De Mohrenschildt Exhibit No. 5" was misprinted as "Exhibt"; changed here. Page 25: "Yours sincerly," was printed that way in quoted material; not changed. Page 28: "And your last name is" was misprinted as "you"; changed here. Page 43: "Have you seen him at any time" was misprinted as "see"; changed here. Page 52: "who was at that stage a political" probably should be "apolitical". Page 56: "banding about" possibly should be "bandying". Page 61: "we were kidnapped from the Germans" was misprinted as "kidnaped"; changed here. Page 63: "You joined your husband here" was misprinted as "you"; changed here. Page 64: "The husband would not take them to the hospital" was misprinted as "huband"; changed here. Page 72: "see if they're any corrections" was printed that way; not changed. Page 74: "assistant cameraman" was misprinted as "camerman"; changed here. Page 85: "seemed to be person of" was printed that way; not changed. Page 89: "I think they were located" was misprinted as "thing"; changed here. Page 103: "one of the other of us" probably should be "or"; not changed. Page 103: "And prior to 1952" was printed with that date. Page 104: One or more lines after "Mr. Mamantov. Or way of government." appear to be missing from the Testimony. Page 111: "on that particular morning" was misprinted as "partciular"; changed here. Page 116 and elsewhere: "Mamantov" occasionally was misprinted as "Manantov"; all have been changed here. Page 131: "I lived until 1950 in Ventspils" probably should be "1915". Page 148: "always expressed what I would interpret" was misprinted as "expresed"; changed here. Page 162: "when I was 5 years old" is an unlikely age in this context. Page 179: "was eventually expropriated" was misprinted as "eventally"; changed here. Page 195: "ex-nephew" was printed as "exnephew"; changed here for consistency with other compound words beginning with "ex-". Page 215: "and a shotgun with us, And to be able" was punctuated and capitalized that way. Page 248: "Or the use of any weapons or his right to have weapons when he was in Russia?" is shown as dialog spoken by Mr. De Mohrenschildt, but probably was spoken by Mr. Jenner. Page 269: "Zitkoff" is spelled "Jitkoff" elsewhere in this text. Page 291: "Four little kinds" probably should be "kids"; not changed. Page 320: "Yoico" should be "Yaeko"; not changed. Page 311: "so boldy" probably should be "boldly". Page 320: "little Japanese girl now, you now" probably should be "you know". Page 363: "registered a false, positive" was printed with the comma in that position. Page 420: "comittee" is misprint for "committee"; not changed. Page 433: "a year. IN the early winter" was printed that way. Page 438: "that was too symmetrical" was misprinted as "two"; changed here. Page 440: "I though it was" probably should be "thought". Page 441: "Commission Exhibit 148" possibly should be "140". Page 447: "Yes; is seems to me" probably should be "it". Page 449: "it made by heart leap" probably should be "my". Page 458: "but I though it said" probably should be "thought". |