Transcriber's Notes


Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.

Misspellings in quoted evidence not changed; misspellings that could be due to mispronunciations were not changed.

Some simple typographical errors were corrected.

Inconsistent hyphenation of compound words retained.

Ambiguous end-of-line hyphens retained.

Occasional uses of "Mr." for "Mrs." and of "Mrs." for "Mr." corrected.

Dubious repeated words, (e.g., "What took place by way of of conversation?") retained.

Several unbalanced quotation marks not remedied.

Occasional periods that should be question marks not changed.

Occasional periods that should be commas, and commas that should be periods, were changed only when they clearly had been misprinted (at the end of a paragraph or following a speaker's name in small-caps at the beginning of a line). Some commas and semi-colons were printed so faintly that they appear to be periods or colons: some were found and corrected, but some almost certainly remain.

Asterisks in the Marina Oswald testimony have been reproduced as originally printed.

Page vii: No Table of Contents entry for "Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald (resumed)" beginning on page 588.

Page 47: "is a photostat is a photostat" was printed that way.

Page 51: "Will you tell us on what date you wrote or dictated Exhibit 711?" occurs twice. The second occurrence either was spoken by Mr. Rankin or is a typesetting error.

Page 88 and elsewhere: "Mr. Specter" misprinted five times as "Mr. Spector"; corrected here.

Page 107: "these tall building on either side" should be "buildings".

Page 138: "contains angels of sight" is a misprint for "angles".

Page 139: One occurrence of "Main Street" was misprinted as "Maine Street"; corrected here.

Page 142: "Dr. Hume" is a misprint for "Dr. Humes".

Page 152: "The other hand, his left hand is on his lapel" was misprinted as "left had"; corrected here.

Page 163: "Did the surveyor make that placement" misprinted as "surveyer"; corrected here.

Page 177: "Those are 88 mm., too" is a misprint for "8 mm."

Page 186: "implusive" probably is a misprint for "impulsive".

Pages 273 and elsewhere: "Mr. Snyder" misprinted six times as "Mr. Synder"; corrected here.

Page 298: "exist visa" probably is a misprint for "exit visa".

Page 306: "would't" was printed that way.

Page 335: "name." is repeated, originally on the next line; looks like a misprint.

Page 365: "How could you tell us" possibly should be "Now could".

Page 482: "Do you thing that is a handicap" should be "think".

Page 528: "handwriting. It that yours?" should be "Is".

Page 529: "handwriting it that?" should be "is".

Page 530: "I do not know which exhibit is." should be "it is".

Page 562: "miles and hour." should be "an".

Page 563: "take as much as minute" probably should be "as a minute".

Page 611: "whatsover" was printed that way.

Page 613: "Did he every tell you that" should be "ever".

Page 618: 'I said, "I don't want to go there and he said, "I insist."' either is missing a closing quotation mark or has a spurious opening one.


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