Transcriber's Notes


Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.

Misspellings in quoted evidence not changed; misspellings that could be due to mispronunciations were not changed.

Some simple typographical errors were corrected.

Inconsistent hyphenation of compound words retained.

Ambiguous end-of-line hyphens retained.

Occasional uses of "Mr." for "Mrs." and of "Mrs." for "Mr." corrected.

Dubious repeated words, (e.g., "What took place by way of of conversation?") retained.

Several unbalanced quotation marks not remedied.

Occasional periods that should be question marks not changed.

Occasional periods that should be commas, and commas that should be periods, were changed only when they clearly had been misprinted (at the end of a paragraph or following a speaker's name in small-caps at the beginning of a line). Some commas and semi-colons were printed so faintly that they appear to be periods or colons: some were found and corrected, but some almost certainly remain.

Page 21: "intransit to the FBI" perhaps should be "in transit".

Page 21: "Mr. Dulles. Is is likely" should be "Is it likely".

Page 36: "With you permission" should be "your".

Page 48: "Frankly, I don't know what there conclusion was" should be "their".

Page 68: "protrusion" was misprinted as "protrustion"; corrected here.

Page 79: "this cotton of this cotton" should be "or".

Page 107: "Several sutures of chromic gut where used" probably should be "were used".

Page 138: "alignement" was printed that way.

Page 139: "alinement" was printed that way.

Page 159: "we had a plane to fall" was printed that way.

Page 279: "so help you God" was misprinted as "held"; corrected here.

Page 320: "We would has asked them" was printed that way.

Pages 394 and 395: "Hideel" and "Hidell" both used.

Page 397: "October 13 1958" was printed without a comma after "13".

Page 439: "Mr. Quigley. I show you an envelope" was printed as though Mr. Quigley was the speaker, but in context, this must have been spoken by Mr. Stern.

Page 467: "harassing his wife in anyway?" probably should be "any way".


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