Cover created by Transcriber and placed in the Public Domain. Footnote notation: In the original book, the footnote numbering sequence began at “1” in the Foreword and in each Chapter and Appendix. To make these numbers unique in this eBook, they have been modified to include a prefix that identifies the Chapter or Appendix to which they belong, e.g., F-1, C5-46, A12-115. Simple numbers in square brackets, e.g., [212], were shown that way in the original text. Bottom-of-page footnotes were shown as asterisks "*" in the original text, but were changed here to sequential letters, e.g., "A". In the orignal text, a few missing letters were added in square brackets, e.g., [W]e, and are shown that way here. Other Notes are at the end of this eBook. REPORT OF |