FIRST CHAPTER. Paula Encounters the Remarkable Eyes of Her First Giant, and Hearkens to the Second, Thundering Afar-off SECOND CHAPTER. Paula Contemplates the Wall of a Hundred Windows, and the Mysterious Madame Nestor Calls at the Zoroaster THIRD CHAPTER. Certain Developing Incidents are Caught Into the Current of Narrative—also a Supper with Reifferscheid FOURTH CHAPTER. Paula Encounters Her Adversary Who Turns Prophet and Tells of a Starry Child Soon to be Born FIFTH CHAPTER. Paula is Involved in the Furious History of Selma Cross and Writes a Letter to Quentin Charter SIXTH CHAPTER. Paula is Called to Parlor "F" of the Maidstone where the Beyond-Devil Awaits with Outstretched Arms SEVENTH CHAPTER. Paula Begins to See More Clearly Through Madame Nestor's Revelations, and Witnesses a Broadway Accident EIGHTH CHAPTER. Paula Makes Several Discoveries in the Charter Heart-Country, and is Delighted by His Letters to the Skylark NINTH CHAPTER. Paula is Drawn into the Selma Cross Past and is Bravely Wooed Through Further Messages from the West TENTH CHAPTER. Paula Sees Selma Cross in Tragedy, and in Her own Apartment Next Morning is Given a Reality to Play ELEVENTH CHAPTER. Paula is Swept Deep into a Desolate Country by the High Tide, but Notes a Quick Change in Selma Cross TWELFTH CHAPTER. Certain Elements for the Charter Crucible, and His Mother's Pilgrimage, Across the Sands Alone to Mecca THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. "No Man Can Enter into a Strong Man's House, and Spoil His Goods, Except He Will First Bind the Strong Man" FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. The Singing of the Skylark Ceases Abruptly; Charter Hastens East to Find a Queer Message at the Granville FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. Quentin Charter and Selma Cross Join Issue on a New Battle-ground, Each Leaving the Field with Open Wounds SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. Paula, Finding that Both Giants Have Entered Her Castle, Rushes in Tumult into the Night SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER. Paula Sails into the South, Seeking the Holy Man of Saint Pierre, Where La Montagne PelÉe Gives Warning EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER. Paula is Involved in the Rending Fortunes of Saint Pierre and the Panther Calls with New York Mail NINETEENTH CHAPTER. Quentin Charter is Attracted by the Travail of PelÉe, and Encounters a Queer Fellow-Voyager TWENTIETH CHAPTER. Charter's Mind Becomes the Arena of Conflict Between the Wyndam Woman and Skylark Memories TWENTY-FIRST CHAPTER. Charter Communes with the Wyndam Woman, and Confesses the Great Trouble of His Heart to Father Fontanel TWENTY-SECOND CHAPTER. Charter Makes a Pilgrimage to the Craters of PelÉe—One Last Day Devoted to the Spirit of Old Letters TWENTY-THIRD CHAPTER. Charter and Stock are Called to the Priest's House in the Night, and the Wyndam Woman Stays at the Palms TWENTY-FOURTH CHAPTER. Having to do Especially with the Morning of the Ascension, when the Monster, PelÉe, Gives Birth to Death TWENTY-FIFTH CHAPTER. The Saragossa Encounters the Raging Fire-Mists from PelÉe Eight Miles at Sea, but Lives to Send a Boat Ashore TWENTY-SIXTH CHAPTER. Paula and Charter in Several Settings Feel the Energy of the Great Good that Drives the World TWENTY-SEVENTH CHAPTER. Paula and Charter Journey into the West; One Hears Voices, but not the Words often, from Rapture's Roadway About Will Levington Comfort By Will Levington Comfort