Major Andre went back to his desk, and sat down for serious reflection. He reasoned with himself: “Here was a picture of Arnold and Barclugh. How did this simple Indian maiden get such knowledge of my secret affairs? She can have no means of gaining this knowledge. She is simply inspired.” During the next week, Andre could not dispel the visions of Segwuna’s prophecy. He did not dare to tell his friends, not even General Clinton, for they would think him ridiculous. He was naturally timid, and these words made him doubly so. They made him hesitate more than once as to what he ought to do. Whereas he was formerly all enthusiasm about his plot with Arnold, he now began to be doubtful and suspicious of his own ability. The thought of the ire of the Great Spirit of the Indian maiden being brought to bear against the project that he had in hand worked upon the fancy of Andre’s poetical nature and unnerved him. However, the Commander-in-Chief, General Clinton, had ordered Andre to carry out these A letter was received by Major Andre at this time which read as follows:
John Anderson answered the above letter. Then, a few days thereafter, information was Arnold had informed Colonel Sheldon that a person was to come from New York, to the latter’s quarters, whom he desired to meet for the purpose of establishing a channel of secret intelligence with New York. Accordingly, Colonel Sheldon received the following letter, which was so uncertain and enigmatical that Colonel Sheldon despatched it at once to General Arnold:
Sheldon was confused by the mention of an officer taking the place of John Anderson, and therefore sent the letter to Arnold, who tried to explain the mysticisms in the letter to Colonel Sheldon as best he could; and replied that he would meet the flag and the gentleman himself at Dobb’s Ferry. Arnold also instructed his subordinate that if he did not meet John Anderson, by any mishap, word must be sent to headquarters of the arrival of the gentleman within the lines, and that John Anderson must be sent to his headquarters with an escort of two or three horsemen. Arnold went down the river in his barge as far as King’s Ferry on the afternoon of the 10th instant, and remained over night at the house of Joshua H. Smith, who resided near the Ferry. Early on the morning of the 11th instant, Arnold proceeded by barge to Dobb’s Ferry for the purpose of meeting Andre. An accident prevented the interview. As Arnold was approaching the destination, his barge was fired upon He landed, therefore, on the west or opposite side of the river to Dobb’s Ferry, and went down to the ferry landing, where he remained till night, hoping to see Andre. At all events, he failed to have a meeting on this journey. The astonishing forecast of Segwuna had made Andre over-cautious and timid. He did not choose to hazard his mission by land to Colonel Sheldon. He chose the safer communication by water. He went to Dobb’s Ferry with Colonel Beverly Robinson, and looked for Arnold to come in his barge, but the firing upon the barge makes clear why Arnold did not get to the rendezvous. The timidity of Andre now explains the ultimate failure of the plot. Arnold was obliged to explain his public journey down the Hudson, by writing to General Washington to the effect that guard boats and signal lights were necessary precautions to warn the country of the approach of the enemy up the river. The object of Segwuna’s visit to New York had been accomplished. She had intimidated Major Andre, and foiled the treachery of Arnold. If the interview as first planned at Dobb’s Ferry had taken place the recital of subsequent events Now complications arose. Every fresh move that Arnold made required explanations as to the movements of John Anderson. A second attempt to have Andre meet with him by means of the overland route was not considered favorably by Andre. He would not attempt to meet Arnold, except under the pretense of an exchange of flags. The only way for General Arnold to successfully accomplish his treachery was to meet Major Andre personally, plan the surrender of West Point and have his emoluments and rewards guaranteed. He depended upon such a meeting and was bold enough himself, but his first attempt at Dobb’s Ferry was empty of results and he was now thrown into cautious movements. He had to explain to the Commander-in-Chief about his public trip down the river; and the fact that he had been fired upon and pursued by the enemy’s gunboats gave notoriety to his whereabouts. The failure of the Dobb’s Ferry interview must rest upon Andre, for Arnold was truly bold and fearless in his approach within the enemy’s lines; Andre must have been intimidated by the warning of Segwuna. Arnold returned to his headquarters from Dobb’s Ferry disappointed and nonplussed. He wrote from Robinson House at once to Major Andre: Arnold’s anxiety for a meeting was now only exceeded by that of the British, after the first failure; so Arnold stated that he would send a trusty person to the east side of Dobb’s Ferry, Wednesday evening, September 20th, who would conduct Major Andre to a place of safety where a meeting between the principals could be held without fear. Arnold added: “It will be necessary for you to be in disguise. I cannot be more explicit at present. Meet me if possible. You may rest assured that, if there is no danger in passing your lines, you will be perfectly safe where I propose a meeting.” The letter was signed Gustavus and addressed to John Anderson, Merchant. However, before these instructions reached Major Andre by Arnold’s secret messengers, the British General Clinton became very anxious and dispatched the Sloop-of-War Vulture on the scene, with an emissary on board in the person of Colonel Beverly Robinson, who was now in the secret of the negotiations. He had also accompanied Andre to Dobb’s Ferry when Arnold’s The unexpected, however, always happens to hinder schemes. General Washington came on a tour of inspection, at this juncture, and crossed the Hudson at King’s Ferry in full view of the Vulture soon after her arrival. General Arnold came down, of course, from his headquarters, Robinson House, to meet the Commander-in-Chief in order to throw off any suspicions surrounding his movements. Washington and his suite crossed in Arnold’s barge and as the Commander viewed the Vulture through his glass and turned and spoke to his suite in whispers it was noticed and commented upon, subsequently, that Arnold blanched and showed much concern. While still in the boat, Marquis de la Fayette turned to General Arnold and with a desire to get information of the whereabouts of the French fleet under Guichen, now approaching American waters, and with no suspicions whatever upon Arnold, pleasantly requested: “General Arnold, since you have a correspondence with the enemy, you must ascertain as soon as possible what has become of Guichen.” Arnold immediately colored up and demanded: The question of Arnold was surprising and uncalled for and he quickly recovered himself. Fortunately for him, the boat was nearing shore and the anxiety to land interrupted the incident. Arnold imagined that his scheme was detected and that he was to be captured in the boat. Arnold went to Peekskill with Washington and his party. The next day Washington went to Hartford to meet the French Commander and Arnold returned to West Point in his barge. The British now desired to get into direct communication with Arnold through Colonel Robinson on the Vulture. Finesse had to be used to deceive the watchful post-commanders on the Hudson under the command of Arnold. So, under the protection of a flag of truce from the Vulture, Colonel Robinson sent a letter to General Arnold asking the military to protect his property since he had learned that his home was to be confiscated by the State of New York for his defection to the British cause. General Arnold submitted the letter to his Commander at Fishkill and in consequence General Washington did not approve of the proposal to have an interview with the enemy The Commander-in-Chief informed Arnold: “Such a conference would afford grounds for suspicion in the minds of some people and I advise you to avoid it; the subject in which Colonel Robinson is interested does not come within the powers of a military officer and the Civil Government of the State is the only authority to which he can properly apply.” Arnold now used the name of Washington to answer Robinson’s letter. He, therefore, despatched a boat openly to the Vulture, under an officer and a flag. Here came Arnold’s opportunity to give the British all the information that he desired. The answer was in two letters,—one sealed within the other. The outer one gave Washington’s reply. The inner one stated secretly that he would send on the night of the 20th a person to Dobb’s Ferry, or on board the Vulture. This person would be furnished with a boat and a flag of truce. He wished that the Vulture remain where she was until the messenger reached her. The postscript of the letter said: “I expect General Washington to lodge here on Saturday night next, and I will lay before him every matter you may wish to communicate.” The inside one also contained a copy of the September 20th, Major Andre, having received Arnold’s letters, pressed on to the Vulture and arrived at seven o’clock in the evening instead of remaining at Dobb’s Ferry as at first proposed. Andre was all expectancy when he arrived on board the sloop-of-war. He waited for Arnold or his messenger, all night. The next day he wrote General Clinton that he had made a second appointment with no results. The interview must be very soon or suspicions would be aroused to upset the whole plan. A ruse was now invented by Major Andre to acquaint Arnold of his whereabouts. Some parties had shown a flag of truce on shore to the Vulture and a boat was sent to communicate with them. When a boat with a flag from the Vulture approached the shore it was fired upon from ambush. This violation of the usage of warfare was a subject for remonstrance. Therefore, a letter was sent to General Arnold by Captain Sutherland of the Vulture, claiming usage against the code of civilized nations at war. The letter was in the handwriting of Andre and signed, Joshua Hett Smith lived about two miles below Stony Point, near the mouth of Haverstraw Creek. He had boats and boatmen. He was a confidant of Arnold and was engaged, upon various occasions, to enter the enemy’s lines for the Commander of West Point. Arnold’s plan was finally fixed. He went to Smith’s house and sent two boatmen with Smith to bring a gentleman, named John Anderson, from the Vulture to a point four miles below Smith’s house, to a lonely spot on the banks of the Hudson, in the darkness of midnight. Arnold had provided Smith with three papers signed by himself. When the boat started from the mouth of Haverstraw Creek it was past eleven o’clock and the night was serene. The boat sped along undiscovered until the lookout on the Vulture hailed and ordered the men alongside. Smith mounted the side and was immediately ordered below. There he met Captain Sutherland and Colonel Robinson. The latter he knew personally, for Robinson had been his neighbor on the Hudson. The first letter addressed to Colonel Robinson was as follows:
The next letter was to deceive the guard boats, many of which were stationed along the Hudson to intercept commerce with the enemy.
The third one conveyed the knowledge secretly that Arnold wanted Major Andre to meet him on shore.
When the papers had been examined in the cabin of the Vulture, Colonel Robinson excused himself and returned in a little while with a gentleman whom he introduced to Smith as Mr. John Anderson. Smith and Anderson entered the boat and were rowed to the point of rendezvous arranged by Arnold with Smith. Arnold, concealed in the shadow of the cliff, lay near the river bank anxious for the boat to return with Major Andre. The exact spot had been agreed upon. When the boat, which was heavy and cumbersome, at length arrived, Smith scrambled up the bank and found Arnold in the bushes. Smith Arnold looked around to be sure that Smith was out of hearing when he extended his hand to Major Andre, remarking in a subdued and resigned tone: “At last, Major Andre, my hour of deliverance has come! I hope no difficulties stand in the way of our plans.” Andre was more than eager for the exploit,—he was rashly anxious. His voice showed evident emotion when he said: “General Arnold, we stand ready to carry out our part. Can you surrender West Point?” “I am able to surrender to your forces the stronghold of our hopes, and end the war for the mother country. It will be a blessing to my countrymen and an everlasting benefit to the kingdom of Great Britain. But, sir, how am I to be sure that the promise made me by Roderick Barclugh will be carried out?” was the reply given the question of Andre. “General Arnold, I am the authorized representative of His Britannic Majesty and for your services to the King you are to be paid twenty thousand pounds sterling, part of which has already been advanced by Mr. Barclugh, and you are “That’s all correct, Major Andre,” returned Arnold, “but how am I to realize these terms if by chance you were to be killed or I was to be detected in this business? My only safety is in having the whole matter drawn up in the form of a writing.” “But we cannot do such things here in the dark, General Arnold. You had better defer too much formality for the sake of safety. You are dealing with gentlemen,” argued Andre. “But governments have no gratitude,” retorted Arnold, smarting under his experience with Congress. “Yet, how can we write in these bushes?” continued Andre. “I cannot see my hand. I propose to get back to the ship from here.” “There is no use for haste in our conclusions in this matter,” argued Arnold. “I have to submit to you the plans of the works at West Point, the disposal of the garrison, the time of the attack and how you shall approach. I have brought an extra horse and you can ride with me to the house of Mr. Smith. I shall guarantee you protection and safety in returning to your Andre understood what it meant to prepare for the details of this enterprise and at last he reluctantly consented to go within the American outposts as he said: “I shall rely upon you as a gentleman to convey me in safety to my lines. My commander has instructed me not to enter your posts; but since you insist upon an agreement in writing, I shall have to comply with your plans.” “Major Andre, you need not say these words to me. I have been driven to this course by the relentless attacks of those for whom I have done the most. My heart went out at first to my country, but now it has turned to stone. No gratitude was shown me. I needed money and from whom did I get it? I got it from my country’s enemies. I needed sympathy for my wounds. From whom did I get it? Not from my countrymen. I needed encouragement to go out and win more glory for our cause. Where did I get it? Not from my country. Bah! These very mountains taunt me for being a fool! My die is cast and I am with you heart and soul. We must succeed.” “You speak nobly, General Arnold,” insisted Andre. “I am drawn to you irretrievably and I am willing to run my risks along with yours. At this juncture the conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Smith from the boat, who said: “Gentlemen, I believe that your time is drawing near to daylight and I must leave this situation with the boat. We must not be discovered in this position by the guards.” These words decided the case. When Arnold and Andre realized their position and when Smith informed them that the boatmen had refused to return to the Vulture for fear of detection, both of the conspirators mounted horses and started for Smith’s house, which was four miles distant by the road through Haverstraw village. Smith and the boatmen went by water to Haverstraw Creek, where the boat was moored. At his house Smith met Arnold and Mr. Anderson who had already arrived just at daylight. The three took breakfast together, since the family of Joshua Smith had been previously taken, by arrangements made beforehand, to visit with their kinsfolk, the family of Colonel Hay at Fishkill. During the morning, in a room overlooking Haverstraw Bay, Andre and Arnold secretly But again the hand of Providence brings about unexpected events. While these dealings were concluding, they heard the booming of cannon and saw the Vulture drop down stream out of range of the battery posted by Colonel Livingston to drive off the enemy’s ship. Much concern now came over the principals in this drama. Arnold reassured Andre by stating that Mr. Smith would convey him by boat or land through the American lines. Passports from the Commanding-General would insure safe convoy through the district under Arnold and then when Andre reached the British outposts he could manage himself. Providing Major Andre with three passes to meet all possible contingencies, as he thought, and leaving him in the hands of Mr. Smith as Mr. John Anderson, Arnold returned in his barge soon after nine o’clock that morning, to his headquarters to await the results of his treachery. Following are the passes provided for the return of John Anderson, in Arnold’s own handwriting:
Andre passed the day in hiding, awaiting impatiently for darkness to come that he might be returned to the Vulture. But the more Andre insisted, the more opposed Smith grew to the route by boat. However, Smith won his point for reasons not entirely logical, and after Andre had exchanged his officer’s red coat for one of Smith’s, and had wrapped himself up in a great The route lay across the Hudson at King’s Ferry from Stony Point to Verplanck’s Point. The party, after stopping over the first night, proceeded successfully until they reached Pine Bridge on the Croton River where Smith left Andre to pursue his own course through the neutral country. Smith now returned to Robinson House and reported to General Arnold where he had left Mr. Anderson. Arnold seemed to be more than pleased with the progress events were making at this report. He felt sure of Andre reaching King’s Bridge. When Andre left Smith he also felt assured of his success, for he rode boldly along until he was near Tarrytown. Here he was accosted by three men dressed in the uniform of British soldiers. Their story is best told in their own words. Paulding, one of the three, said, when relating the capture: “Myself, Isaac VanWart, and David Williams were lying by the side of the road about half a mile above Tarrytown, and about fifteen miles above King’s Bridge, on Saturday morning, “‘There comes a gentleman-like looking man, who appears to be well-dressed and has boots on, and whom you had better step out and stop, if you don’t know him.’ “On that I got up and presented my fire-lock at the breast of the person and told him to stand, and then I asked him which way he was going. “‘Gentlemen,’ said he, ‘I hope you belong to our party.’ “I asked him: “‘What party?’ “He said: ‘The lower party.’ “Upon that I told him: “‘I do.’ “Then he said: ‘I am a British officer out of the country on particular business, and I hope you will not detain me a minute.’ “To show that he was a British officer, he pulled out his watch, upon which I told him to dismount. “He then said: “‘My God, I must do anything to get along.’ “He seemed to make a kind of laugh of it and pulled out General Arnold’s pass, which “‘Gentlemen, you had best let me go or you will bring yourselves into trouble, for your stopping me will detain the General’s business. I am going to Dobb’s Ferry to meet a person there and get intelligence for General Arnold.’ “Upon that I told him I hoped he would not be offended, that we did not mean to take anything from him; and I told him there were many bad people going along the road, and I did not know but perhaps he might be one.” Paulding stated: “If Andre had not declared himself a British officer, when he produced General Arnold’s pass I would have let him go. However, when he pulled out his watch my suspicions were further aroused.” The three volunteers searched Andre, and David Williams, one of the party, relates this part of the story most minutely: “We took him into the bushes,” said Williams, “and ordered him to pull off his clothes, which he did; but on searching him narrowly we could not find any sort of writings. We told him to pull off his boots which he seemed to be indifferent about, but we got one boot off and searched in “Upon this we made him dress himself and I asked him: “‘What will you give us to let you go?’ “He said: “‘I will give you any sum of money.’ “I asked him: “‘Will you give us your horse, your saddle, bridle, watch and one hundred guineas?’ “He said: “‘Yes, and I will direct them to any place, even this very spot, so that you can get them.’ “I asked him: “‘Will you not give us more?’ “He said: “‘I will give you any quantity of dry goods or any sum of money, and bring it to any place that you pitch upon, so that you may get it.’ “Mr. Paulding answered: “‘No, if you would give us ten thousand guineas, “I then asked the person who called himself John Anderson: “‘If it lay in your power, would you not get away?’ “He answered: “‘Yes, I would.’ “I told him: “‘I do not intend that you shall.’ “While taking him along to the nearest post, we asked him a few questions, and we stopped under a shade. He begged us not to question him and said: “‘When I come to any Commander I will reveal all.’” Andre and all of the papers found on him were taken to North Castle and turned over to Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson. Jameson unwittingly sent Andre immediately under a guard toward Arnold’s headquarters, and despatched a note with the officer in charge of the escort, to Arnold, stating that a certain John Anderson was taken on his way to New York. He also stated that certain papers found in his stockings and which were of “a very dangerous tendency,” had been forwarded to General Washington. The mistake made by Lieutenant-Colonel However, a messenger was despatched to overtake the escort and to order the prisoner back to North Castle, but to still forward the message to Arnold’s headquarters. The fate of Arnold now seemed problematical. But a chain of circumstances favored the traitor. Andre was ordered back and sent to Salem under Major Tallmadge. A messenger was sent with the guilty papers to intercept General Washington, now on his way to West Point from Hartford, and the first messenger was riding toward Robinson House to inform Arnold of the capture of John Anderson and the papers. General Washington missed the messenger because he returned on the road north of the one on which the messenger was sent. On the morning when Washington was due at Robinson House to breakfast with Arnold, two of the aides-de-camp of the Commander-in-Chief were sent ahead to inform General Arnold During the progress of the meal a messenger arrived and presented the Jameson despatches to General Arnold. Arnold read them and excused himself from the table without a sign of excitement. He went to Mrs. Arnold’s chamber and ordered a servant to call Mrs. Arnold. When she came to him, he hurriedly explained that his life depended upon escape. She swooned in his presence and he left her prostrate on the floor. He went to the dining-room and stated to the aides: “I have to go to West Point and prepare for the arrival of the General.” He then hurriedly mounted a horse of one of the aides and dashed to the landing where his barge was moored. Then ordering his men to row with all their might, as he drew his pistols and sat in the stern, he sped past the guard boats with a flag and reached the British Sloop-of-War Vulture, fifteen miles below Robinson House. After introducing himself, he surrendered the innocent boatmen to the British Commander and After General Washington had inspected the redoubts opposite West Point, he went with his suite to Robinson House. Upon their arrival they were informed that General Arnold had been hurriedly called to West Point. Washington ate his breakfast and started with all of his staff except Colonel Hamilton. They took a barge across the Hudson to the forts. As Washington stood in the barge viewing the highlands about him, he said: “Well, gentlemen, I am glad on the whole, that General Arnold has gone before us, for we shall now have a salute and the roaring of the cannon will have a fine effect among these mountains.” When no cannon was heard and they saw nobody astir among the garrison, Washington exclaimed: “What! Do they not intend to salute us?” The General and his party landed and found no one to greet them except the Commandant, Colonel Lamb, who was very much surprised to see his distinguished visitors. Washington addressed him: “How is this, sir? Is not General Arnold here?” “No, sir,” replied the Commandant, “he has “This is extraordinary,” continued Washington. “We were told that he crossed the river and that we should find him here. However, our visit must not be in vain. Since we have come, although unexpectedly, we must look around a little and see in what shape things are with you.” When the forts and redoubts had been visited and the garrison inspected, Washington and his party returned to the barge and recrossed to the Robinson House. The letters and papers that had been forwarded by Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson to General Washington had followed the Commander-in-Chief on the road to Hartford until it was learned that the General had returned to West Point by the upper road. Then the express retraced his steps to Robinson House. Colonel Hamilton was alone at Arnold’s headquarters when the incriminating papers arrived and immediately opened the despatches in the absence of his chief at West Point. Here were the papers found in Andre’s stockings and a letter from Andre to Washington disclosing his true character as Adjutant-General of the British army and relating his entry within the American lines, his departure therefrom in disguise and Upon the landing of General Washington and his staff at the Robinson House from West Point, Colonel Hamilton was seen to walk briskly toward them, and when he spoke to Washington in an undertone, they retired quickly together into the house. Here lay the exposure of the whole plot when the papers were perused by Washington, but too late to entrap the traitor. Arnold had gone over to the enemy and had made his escape to the Vulture. Andre was a prisoner at Salem and had written a confession of the part that he had played. Mrs. Arnold had been left ignominiously by the traitor, her husband, and in her distraction she wept and raved alternately and accused General Washington and Colonel Hamilton, when they sought to console her, with a plot to murder her child. Her lamentations were pitiable and heart-rending in the agony of her despair. She clasped her child to her breast as she stood in the doorway of her chamber, hair dishevelled, as she hurled the bitterness of a woman’s tongue against those who, history tells us, held nothing but the deepest sympathy for her misfortune. At last Mrs. Arnold returned to her father’s home in Philadelphia and remained there until “Resolved:—that the said Margaret Arnold depart this state within fourteen days from the date hereof, and that she do not return again during the continuance of the present war.” Major Andre was conducted under guard, to the vicinity of the Continental Army at Tappan. He was there tried by a Court of Enquiry composed of six Major-Generals and eight Brigadiers, found guilty as a spy and condemned to be executed. Arnold and General Clinton attempted to save Andre’s life on the ground that he had Arnold’s pass. But as the pass was issued to John Anderson it was void when applied to Major Andre. Credit must be given Andre, however, that he did not seek justification, personally, during his trial for his acts under a flag or pass from Arnold. He was reconciled to his fate and died as a brave and honorable officer, dressed in the full uniform of the Adjutant-General of the British Army, at Tappan, October 2, 1780. When Segwuna heard of the capture of Major Andre and the exposure and flight of Benedict Arnold, she thanked the Great Spirit for the fulfillment of her prayers. She did not exult in the downfall of the participants in this attempted At the first announcement in New York about the capture of Andre and the flight of Arnold, Segwuna lost no time in retracing her steps to Philadelphia. |